Saturday, May 9, 2015


100 historical curiosities - Taringa! one direction 2012
WARS / FOOD / SCIENCE / COMMUNICATION / MONEY AND BANKING / ENTERTAINMENT / SCAN / GOVERNMENT / ANCIENT HISTORY / Recreation / RELIGION / HEALTH / Technology / TRANSPORT 1 | The ancient Egyptians won the first battle recorded in history in the fifteenth century BC in Megiddo what it is now Israel. According to the New Testament of the Bible, Megiddo is the place where the Apocalypse occurs. 2 | The largest and oldest pyramid at Giza, the Great Pyramid was built for Pharaoh Khufu in the XXV century AC 3 | A recent DNA testing of mummies of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen and his family suggested that parents of young King were brothers. 4 | All modern phonetic alphabets are from the Phoenicians, who used a written language and in 1200 AC 5 | Almost one direction 2012 a third of Europe's population died during the Black Death, an outbreak of bubonic one direction 2012 plague in the year 1340. 6 | term "Luddite" comes from the Luddites of the nineteenth century; workers were strongly one direction 2012 opposed to the technological advances one direction 2012 of the Industrial Revolution. 7 | The beer dates back at least 6,000 years. It was the favorite beverage of the Sumerians, who even worshiped a goddess of beer. 8 | Columbus never set foot on the mainland of North America, only came to the Bahamas. 9 | At the height of the twentieth century, the British Empire controlled 20 percent of the global land area and 23 percent of the global population. 10 | It is estimated that all the solar system planets have the same age; 4.54 billion years. 11 | During the Boston Tea Party of 1773, settlers threw 90,000 one direction 2012 pounds (45 tons) of tea into the harbor. Today would be worth about $ 1 million. 12 | Unemployment reached extraordinary levels during the Great Depression. In 1933, unemployment in Toledo, Ohio, had reached 80 percent, one direction 2012 while nearly 90 percent of Lowell, Massachusetts, he was unemployed. 13 | During World War II, Americans planted "Victorian gardens" where they grew their own food. In 1945, 20 million of these gardens were used and accounted for about 40 percent of all vegetables consumed in the country. 14 | British Prime Minister Winston one direction 2012 Churchill, a prolific writer, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. Churchill wrote a six-volume report on the Second World War, and a four-volume history of World War II, as well as biographies and a novel. He was also a talented amateur painter. 15 | The first transatlantic telephone cable was laid in 1956 and covered more than 2,200 miles between Newfoundland, Canada and Northern Scotland. 16 | In 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first official message by telegram: "What God has created", from Washington to Baltimore. 17 | The Stonehenge monument in England is not the circle of Europe's largest stone. That distinction belongs to Avebury, located just 20 miles from the famous site. 18 | The chief Sioux, Lakota, usually one direction 2012 used several names in the course one direction 2012 of his life. In his youth, Sitting Bull he was known as Jumping Badger. 19 | More than 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the armies of the Union and the Confederacy during the US Civil War About 180,000 African Americans fought for the Union during the US Civil War Blacks made up less than 1 percent of the northern population, but accounted for 10 percent of the Union Army. He joined eighty-five percent of all eligible black. 20 | Monrovia, the capital of the West African nation of Liberia, was named in honor of James Monroe. Monroe was the fifth US president one direction 2012 and he supported the work of the American Colonization Association to create a home for freed slaves in Liberia. 21 | The Ford assembly line was so efficient that it could produce a Model T car every 24 seconds. 22 | The first catalog of Sears, Roebuck & Co. was distributed in 1893. In the early 1900s, it was possible to buy almost anything through a mail-order catalog, even prefabricated houses. one direction 2012 23 | Possibly the biggest structure ever built, the Great Pyramid one direction 2012 of Giza contains more than 2 million stones. 24 | The Great Pyramid, built in the XXV century BC, weighs 6 million one direction 2012 tons, as well as the Hoover Dam, built 4500 years later. The construction of the Hoover Dam took more than 5 million barrels of concrete. The completed dam, which opened in 1936 and is located on the border between Arizona and Nevada, contains enough concrete (more than 4.3 million cubic yards) to build a two-lane motorway between Seattle, Washington and Miami, Flori

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