Thursday, May 7, 2015

Despite being I rimbaudiana, buñuelianamente anti-Christian, there are three crosses in Galicia bef

Hazelnuts John Blog Archive Manuel Suarez, faith in Gravel
Despite being I rimbaudiana, buñuelianamente anti-Christian, there are three crosses in Galicia before which axeonllaría me very willingly. The first, a cruise stone irto in the municipality of Vimianzo, oblivious to everything, dress acensalí the end of a path full of thorns. The second, that of Christ worker Luis Seoane. memegenerator The third Beica the home of Manuel Suarez, the carpenter carved splitting a layer of magma. A work, I believe that perhaps gauge the irreducible Antoni Tàpies. A cross, I feel, in which BRUA whole crux of the Bible from the mud of Adam to the blood of the Nazarene. Manuel Suarez (A Coruña, 1972) recognized believer. Believe in the Creator with a capital, and asserts that the "creator", in quotes, "the artist or whatever, is in direct connection with God; is its channel, a sort of divine throat, memegenerator telephone, reflective; an instrument job to provide what the Creator, without quotation marks, I would put in the world. " memegenerator Secas, eat authentic believer, Suarez is a man very simple and humble. Delivered to his two other devotions: Mary, his partner, and their children mailos. Manuel and Maria: both, in my opinion, memegenerator are already part of the history of Galician art, and because he devoted to it, and the fruits of her belly a suite of variations on white series titled Mary. Fifteen pieces abstract, informalistas of mixed media in which, as I say, Suarez reached an amazing array of colors, scales, attitudes, melodies and harmonies white. An entire corner of their loves: carnal and the spiritual. Not in vain these works were born sisters but distinct from embossing a bridal veil. I see that symbolically memegenerator broke Suarez memegenerator to weave again with plenty of textures ... white. With own multiplicity that color as symbolic. After this miracle, another entitled Horizons, is undeniably a milestone in his career by the addition, Suarez is to articulate other two parallel series, equally courageous, equally striking, and also pose a clear breakthrough. Wipe the slate clean. Rectification and Architecture are their names, and we ollalas this fall in Coruña MoretArt. The theme of the first, explain memegenerator to him, "is xaora, the scrawl, the risk, in both senses of the term: grinding spots with other previous" leaving flow intuition. So I see that I set a certain affinity with the pictorial work of two poets: Victor Hugo and Henri Michaux. A lyricism to dry, bone, marrow east of Suarez, who deeply loves poetry and, at the same time he says look for gravel painting: "When I work into account the values instilled in me my teachers; teachings memegenerator that marked memegenerator me the fire and I still gardarrego as respect for the profession, the blind faith in the drawing, or learn to do first and then revert to worship at Celme painting, fleeing the fashion, shopping and easy although not always get. "In step Horizons memegenerator architecture appeared already merged with the landscape, like figuration with abstraction, an intermediate line, the way Nicolas de Stael. But now, in architecture, the relationship between this and the painting is the axis of the series. Here, for the first time, Suarez is using "aluminum sheets as support and integral part of the piece, looking for an aesthetic memegenerator coolness that, despite myself, just being very warm." Consequently, he said, an intense contradiction-or synthesis, who knows-staff. "Every time I find more parallels between my daily life and creative, because the two meshed me the same way," he says. "For example, I always felt like a heavy cored licked and licked with a heavy soul. Well, my job is the same: my soul tends towards the subject, the Baroque, the land, the pigments and materials warm, but my mind insists on achieving a work colder, more plastic, more synthetic and minimalist . "That same tear define your process. Suarez declines by an "intellectual abstraction, perfect," memegenerator which abrolla of calmness and balance. But "I recognize that each day are more chaotic and impulsive, less methodical." Which, Secas, the values memegenerator as progress. "Before going frame by frame, slowly. Each piece had to have an ending. Not now. Now I am guided more by the work, a series jump to another, let stand over the hips, fades or does not convince me without any pity. Perhaps because, at the worst, I'm already growing ... "
Writer, journalist and translator galician. Published works: In galician Animals Animals (Spiral Major) Magnalia (Spiral Major), The Adventures of Nunavut (General, four volumes), the footprint Man (General). Spanish: memegenerator Threshold Sentinel / Skin Illuminated (Oliphant), Identity (Hyperion), Nine reasons for a gift (Mandala), Animals (bilingual version, Bartleby Editores) and our shadows in the Garden Serralves (Franouren). Author of more than thirty memegenerator translations, among the last stand

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