Monday, May 4, 2015

There is something that strikes me powerfully, point 6 (Nuclear Armas? I hope it

Bible prophecies of the last days we already have present (Part One) | The grace of God
The Bible, the Book of God, tells us what will happen through prophecy. This is the way God chose to let us know that His word is true. There is no other religion in the world that can present as many prophecies described hundreds or thousands of years ago compliance. So we know that our God is the only true God.
For those coming here wondering "why you God and not from other religions?", This is the answer: prophecies written long before SUCEDIESEN. No religion except the Bible can leave shown because of who God is fulfilled prophecies.
4. that certain events would live simultaneously in the world. (Revelation 11: 9-10; 17: 8). The invention of television and satellites that transmit programs worldwide allow news to reach all parts of the speed of light. cod ghosts Remember that when the Apostle John wrote these things the news were transmitted by step horse.
5. man would be capable of destroying all life on the planet (Matthew 24: 21-22). Consider that when Jesus gave this prophecy weapons then were the sword and arrow. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out the entire human race and the animal within minutes or hours.
6. The use of nuclear weapons was anticipated by the prophet Zechariah 14:12. The neutron bomb dissolved his victims as God warned him 2500 years ago. "And this is the plague with which the Lord will strike all nations that have fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall consume away while on their feet, and consume away in their sockets his eyes and tongue will rot in their mouths."
7. A MOVE WOULD internationally for a one world government (Daniel 2: 40-44; 7:23). cod ghosts The old Roman Empire-which consisted of European nations-revive and finally dominate the world. The European Union has united politically and economically. It has created a European parliament, a court and a common currency.
8. The fact that God destroyed the world with a global Flood would be denied by many (2 Peter 3: 5-6). There are a lot of fossil evidence demonstrating this, however this is totally ignored by most of the scientific community.
10. MULTITUDES travel from one place to another (Daniel 12: 4). Before the Industrial Revolution, few people traveled from place to place, but spent his whole life in the same area without knowing other communities let alone other countries. The Bible many centuries ago we already announced the ease with which we could "run to and fro." This presaged air travel.
Hello everyone bendiciones.Estoy according to the presentation of this entry. To understand the prophecies of the Bible have to look at what happens in the nation of Israel, it has been fulfilled, are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. The prophets of the Old Testament written cod ghosts left everything on this earth God will always having Israel as the core of the profecia.La clearer evidence that emerged back in May 1948 the nation cod ghosts of Israel.Es a miracle that fail to recognize many .As the Jews returned to their country after so many siglos.Como is protected and bendecido.Es a country that is prospering like no other.
Jesus in his ministry here on earth prophesied what would happen to the inhabitants of this land Israel.Dios relating cod ghosts it will have to deal with his people Israel to meet the Promised Messiah Jesus Christ, it will make them go through the great tribulation, and so recognize the true God (Jesus). We are in the birth pangs, then there is a limited cod ghosts encita as a woman who can not exceed nine months without delivering a hijo.Bendiciones all time.
There is something that strikes me powerfully, point 6 (Nuclear Armas? I hope it's a joke) It would be more plausible that the lords of that time considered as a weapon to a plague or pestilence (leprosy) which was considered as a punishment of God; as unaware as much of the universe, everything attributed to Jealous "He cod ghosts who has no name" YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah, Jah, Yahweh, Iehova, Jehovah or Yahweh, you choose).
hello really is amazing I already had read these things in the Bible but not realizing cod ghosts the full extent I think sometimes because we see from a modern perspective on things like travel around the world are so common that anyone can make for example while in the time it was written that was something cod ghosts very difficult to do and say things like that was something that certainly would sound exaggerated for your time, I think I can contribute mensionando the example of the 70 weeks of Daniel describ

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