Sunday, April 13, 2014

VaatlusDiaaria pendulum 1001 Movie List (post-treatment)

Brest Fortress named "kangelaspeatükk": Brest Fortress was one of the Red Army's defense ülikangelaslikest episodes, which flew to the participants pendulum of Lenin decorations like oxen rain water - posthumously, of course. Such heroism became possible only due to the fact that keskid stripes comrades thought that if placed in a few tens of thousands of smaller stripes comrades stone walls of the box, the absence of any major exits, or the absolute pendulum maneuverability and the conservation of which will go all the advantages of the adversary, it is a strategic all za Glaz - was , clean out the hole. Insurers around Muhhavetsi River exceeded contrary to the defense / offensive plan prescribed instead Wechrmachti hand and onto the pontoon construction of Brest beleaguered as the German infantry as a heavy equipment by my recollection, rubbing a human privilege appreciable minority had, but it's an unlimited amount of fire support to hold the attackers basically boiling water kolmeliitrisesse jar caught mice litter apart - metaphorically express myself as. After that, when all the pipes in German, and 155 and ending with the beginning hernepüssist millimeetristega, fulminate started, there was no longer any möödalaskmisvõimalust and also lacked any possibility of fire as well as to exit from the bottom. More than three-quarters of soldiers died in the first pommituslainega, runs into the same number of civilians were killed, and the rest of the remnants of the army just after. In short, "Brest defended" the army pulled out another bag with a similar sat the first weeks of the war, the Red Army had more than the whole of Europe with all the soldiers. The film itself: The film is based on a book Alexander Akimov filmed story of war, or of his memories as a boy, and even though pendulum the film abounds with üleelatust heroism of the Russian soul, this is the case, however, it not just another pretty "wash himself clean of your stupidity," but there sõjadraamaga hole in the transmission. At first, though showed Brest Commander Gavrilov pendulum map nicely to the unexpected attack proved to be protecting hullumeeluseks, as in battle, the whole army to be out of the fort, but still kinda fast kandutakse foreign enemy smearing mud over. Maybe it does not stick to the castle, but decided to stay, plus they r oodinad, heroism, prokljatõie fašistõd and other stuff. BUT, generally pendulum did fine, although the Germans still look like a saw-born thugs, and also acted accordingly and Pzkpfw III-E was the sole purpose of driving over the corpses, the battle scenes were more or less the senior class. Bombs flew, and so is whistling bullets used by the actors as extras püssikabasid in accordance with training and stupid lahmimist did not start out somewhere. Of course, the joke was interesting that the guns just as you're about as loud bang was needed, pendulum but after all, it was just a well-known Red Army special pendulum skill or something similar. Seiani for the war film, based on the red-legged soldiers pendulum are skille mix. We reach the end of the film, which will be taken in each bucket rindelõikudes in which progress has been made during the movie. The result is absolute nonsense, pendulum and strongly recommend the film to make an appointment as soon as the two-ton bomb in the plane falls. Incidentally, this bomb throwing advertised like a last chance for the Germans. Anyway, pendulum yes - put in detention or in extreme cases, put the stick at a later date, or when the baby Akimov plowed over roomikujälgedest cop walks. Anyway, form your own opinion out of it, enjoy it believed to follow a positive experience, and if the character still wants to fuck masochism beaches to sail, then heat the end, but I warn you that you will regret pendulum it, and do not tell me that I have not warned you. Rating edition, lisamölas: This century Russian sõjafilmina: 3/5, or given to describe the history of the ubiquitous custom, pendulum as it seems a better descriptor of the best, not just the result of the worst kind - could have been worse. The historic Sõjadraamaana: 4/5 e. History was so-so, as was axons in the mud, and the dramatic at times, though time field inside guts too syrupy, but the result was still above average. Slavic film industry is still hope. Total: 7/10 e. Technically, luminous gold-colored, but in terms of content too red. Others: IMDB: 8.2 / 10 (831 votes)
Nope, rather sixties Russian propaganda film "Light" bitter battles, and Stalin did not start any of the images in the eye. Incidentally - only now I remembered that the direct red flag waving never did. January 11, 2011 at 2:33 PM
One was the decline of the film on the first level (after 2T aircraft bomb) and I did not bother pendulum to scroll back to shotting, because any observation Morale declined every second. January 11, 2011 at 3:11 PM
VaatlusDiaaria pendulum 1001 Movie List (post-treatment)
Adventure (28) Anime (5) Chrime (2) Dock (13) Drama (84) Fantasy (27) Haldjasaba (4) Hate-Mail (3) Hentai (3) History (49) Horror (39) Disaster Movie (3) Comedy (36) Kung-Fu/Wu-Xia (2) Le Compotieux (28) Short Film (1), Minimo (9) Monst

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