Thursday, April 24, 2014

Old customs and rituals have reached abby and brittany hensel our times are often misunderstood bec

In 2009. February 24. 00:10
Approaching for the festival through various parts of the world cascade colorful carnivals. Widely shot to fame in Venice, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans and other metropolitan carnival processions abby and brittany hensel have become colorful town fiestas, prisisunkusiomis intertemporal traditions, entertainment and cultural influences of the strangest attractions.
What the Carnival? Some of this word derives from the lot. caro "flesh" and LeVar "remove", in contrast to other levamen Carnes' meat delight, bearing in mind the last chance to celebrate before Lent, meat feasts. According to others, the holy name is derived from the Carrus Novalis - formerly Saturn in honor of the horse to stretch the vessel in the form of transport with masks. Although the source and origin of carnival abby and brittany hensel ongoing dispute abby and brittany hensel so far, one thing is clear that it is not a Christian custom. On the contrary, in different historical times in the Church with him fiercely fought. But was unable to destroy. Carnival is worth looking at the sources of urban festive table of contents, and rural traditions on which cities abby and brittany hensel carnivals have long moved away. What lies beneath the jokes and frenzied and colorful sights pavirtusiomis having fun?
Old customs and rituals have reached abby and brittany hensel our times are often misunderstood because they appreciate the materialistic, pragmatic point of view today. Therefore, do not see their deep symbolic meaning. Lithuania came for the festival reads: "Winter is winter, go away." Accelerating global warming have to wonder - is not too far išvarėme winter? Soon you may need even more loudly call her back ... Lithuanian abby and brittany hensel Pancake abby and brittany hensel saved us a very old ritual actors. Archajiškiausi of them - the specter of Mardi Gras masks and animal masks: a goat, a crane, horse, bear, and others. Žemaičiai retained a vintage Mardi Gras stuffed figure used name - Moret. It is similar to other nations known mythical demons are named similar name. That is Sanskrit or Pali language means Mara - "killer", "destructive". Buddhist mythology, the so-called deity įasmeninanti evil, and all that leads to the death of living creatures. abby and brittany hensel Slavic mythology, also known mythical creature abby and brittany hensel Pests - moral, Maren Marucha, abby and brittany hensel Kikimore ... In Lithuanian legends Moremi were called fairies. Mores the Highlands location invoked Gavėnas Hemp, bacon. Main Mardi Gras carnival rite - disguised in masks procession after passing a special carriage. Shipments made from skids and attached to a grind on a secured revolving Moret. The people beating Morea sticks, pelted snowballs. Moret defends - shall turn the wheel indulge flails, lashing his whip, or persecute them uždrožia broom. At the end of a fun walkers, More burning or drowning. In the past, during the Christmas and Shrove Tuesday procession kaukininkų even twitch, abby and brittany hensel beaten and burned deck. It is believed that both the deck and the destruction Morė customs are closely related, and does not mean any personified winter expulsion, abby and brittany hensel and sunlight, abby and brittany hensel and all the evils stelbusios abby and brittany hensel skleidusios beings destruction. Mythical creatures and heroes embody kaukininkai, destroying the spirit of death - liberate the Sun, which is now even brighter Mirroring rush in the spring and summer goods Artins time. Dressing animals, the wheel planted mythical creatures image conveying deck and towing rituals juxtaposition of Christmas and Mardi Gras celebrations warrant guess both of these ceremonies may have been based on a common mythical plot. The story could have been - Solar liberation myth. That such a myth Lithuania was known 1477. in the book "The various events and places abby and brittany hensel description Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini mini, replica J.Prahiškio monk of the fourteenth century. At the end of the first or fifteenth century. in Lithuania distributor of Christianity in the story: "On my way away, found another tribe that worshiped the sun and very respectfully considered abby and brittany hensel unusual size iron hammer. The priests would ask what does this worship, I say that once upon a time for months did not see the Sun, the mighty king had caught and shut down the very toughest tower. Then the sun came to the rescue Zodiac. They broke a huge hammer tower, rescued the sun and return it to the people. abby and brittany hensel Thus, to be worthy of respect tool which mortals regain the light. " In Latvian mythology abby and brittany hensel Lithuanian and generally states that the sun appeared in the sky only when it coined the heavenly blacksmith or blacksmith. Winter Sun comeback song known as the "gold ring, a gold crown or a gold cup" kalančių space blacksmiths motive, like most of our ancestors name for Christmas, apparently, clearly asocijavęsis nukalimo origin of the solar myth. It is interesting to note that one of the Latvian Christmas and Mardi Gras Shrove name is - "striker" (or kūjinieki kūjneši). Although Latvian Hammers have no means hammer and mace stick, but the association with the basic operation of solar liberation myth persists. Even more interesting is that some where Lithuania was called Mardi Gras kaukininkai zodijais (!). Tok

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