How to plan your career step by step |
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that you will make in your lifetime however, a lot of you do not give priority to this crucial process. If you do not initially have any idea where you want to go, do not worry too much. There are many places to go and not really one ideal job that will fit all your attributes.
Choosing a career is an ongoing process that takes time and effort. The purpose of this text serves as a guide to take you through the steps of choosing a career. By aligning your career choice with your personal values and abilities, you set yourself up to get what you most want.
Start by doing inner investigative work, then focus on what best fits you in the outside world. The first active step towards making a career choice, however, starts with choosing the right subjects. conjuring The subject that you choose will determine your career possibilities, therefore, choose subjects that will enable you to practice your future career. if you are still uncertain of your career choice, remember to keep your options and possibilities open by choosing subjects that will provide entry to a wide variety of educations and careers,
2. You may limit your career choices conjuring if you don?t choose your subjects wisely. Your choice of subjects will affect your future. For example, if you do not have Mathematics and Science in Grade 12, you will not be able to follow a course in Engineering, conjuring or study towards a Medical degree. conjuring
3. You can seek help from professional people when making your subject choices, i.e. your principal, your teachers or a career counsellor. They should know what subjects would be required conjuring for the careers you are interested in. Word of advice: Don?t always opt for the easy way out, and drop Mathematics and Science. Remember conjuring these subjects will open up many career opportunities for you. When you are unsure about your subject- conjuring or career choice, it will be wise to undergo psychometric testing, as a means of getting to know yourself.
GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF This includes getting a clear understanding of yourself, conjuring your attitudes, abilities, interests, conjuring personality characteristics, ambitions, values and resource limitations and their causes.
Some people are just not good at assessing their own skills and talents; being guided through their achievements and the reasons can lead to surprising results for them. Career counsellors can usually assist the individual, conjuring with the aid of certain assessment tools, to identify skills and talents.
Important sources of selfknowledge: ? Yourself ? Your parents and family ? Your teachers ? Your best friends ? Psychological or Psychometric tests ? Personality Personality is an important factor that can determine your happiness and success in a job. It is important to know who you are now, not who you think you would like to be. Be honest when you judge your thoughts and feelings, your attitudes and behaviour.
Think how you behave and feel in different situations. Listed, underneath, are a few personality characteristics: Understanding, practical enthusiastic, conjuring apprehensive, punctual, friendly, assertive, rational, humorous, persuasive, logical, independent, businesslike, sociable, loyal, shy, aggressive, responsible, cautious, risk-taking, imaginative, cheerful, teachable, kind, clear thinking, methodical, accurate, discreet, emotional, sensitive, easy-going, tough, supportive, organized, warm, optimistic, calm, reliable, adventurous, adaptable, motivated conjuring and suspicious.
Interest Apart from aptitude, interest is a strong determinant of career choices and satisfaction. Each person has developed personal preferences for certain types of activities and environment. If you don?t know what activities you are interested in, or which environment you prefer to work in, you should make a conscious effort to get to know these aspects of yourself.
The following are six general areas of vocational interest, developed by the psychologist John Holland, to assist you in getting to know what you like to do: Realistic For people who like activities that are practical and concrete. They like to work outdoors and to work with tools and machines using their physical skills.
Investigative For people who enjoy scientific and intellectual pursuits. They enjoy gathering information uncovering new facts and theories and analyzing and interpreting data. Artistic For people who value aesthetic qualities and like opportunities of self-expression. They prefer an unstructured and flexible environment.
Enterprising For people who enjoy influencing, conjuring leading or managing others for organizational goals or for economic success. They often seek work relating to business management, sales, law or politics.
Ability Ability, intelligence and aptitude tests can all be categorized as measures of ability. Aptitude tests are, however, commonly used to facilitate career conjuring planning
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that you will make in your lifetime however, a lot of you do not give priority to this crucial process. If you do not initially have any idea where you want to go, do not worry too much. There are many places to go and not really one ideal job that will fit all your attributes.
Choosing a career is an ongoing process that takes time and effort. The purpose of this text serves as a guide to take you through the steps of choosing a career. By aligning your career choice with your personal values and abilities, you set yourself up to get what you most want.
Start by doing inner investigative work, then focus on what best fits you in the outside world. The first active step towards making a career choice, however, starts with choosing the right subjects. conjuring The subject that you choose will determine your career possibilities, therefore, choose subjects that will enable you to practice your future career. if you are still uncertain of your career choice, remember to keep your options and possibilities open by choosing subjects that will provide entry to a wide variety of educations and careers,
2. You may limit your career choices conjuring if you don?t choose your subjects wisely. Your choice of subjects will affect your future. For example, if you do not have Mathematics and Science in Grade 12, you will not be able to follow a course in Engineering, conjuring or study towards a Medical degree. conjuring
3. You can seek help from professional people when making your subject choices, i.e. your principal, your teachers or a career counsellor. They should know what subjects would be required conjuring for the careers you are interested in. Word of advice: Don?t always opt for the easy way out, and drop Mathematics and Science. Remember conjuring these subjects will open up many career opportunities for you. When you are unsure about your subject- conjuring or career choice, it will be wise to undergo psychometric testing, as a means of getting to know yourself.
GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF This includes getting a clear understanding of yourself, conjuring your attitudes, abilities, interests, conjuring personality characteristics, ambitions, values and resource limitations and their causes.
Some people are just not good at assessing their own skills and talents; being guided through their achievements and the reasons can lead to surprising results for them. Career counsellors can usually assist the individual, conjuring with the aid of certain assessment tools, to identify skills and talents.
Important sources of selfknowledge: ? Yourself ? Your parents and family ? Your teachers ? Your best friends ? Psychological or Psychometric tests ? Personality Personality is an important factor that can determine your happiness and success in a job. It is important to know who you are now, not who you think you would like to be. Be honest when you judge your thoughts and feelings, your attitudes and behaviour.
Think how you behave and feel in different situations. Listed, underneath, are a few personality characteristics: Understanding, practical enthusiastic, conjuring apprehensive, punctual, friendly, assertive, rational, humorous, persuasive, logical, independent, businesslike, sociable, loyal, shy, aggressive, responsible, cautious, risk-taking, imaginative, cheerful, teachable, kind, clear thinking, methodical, accurate, discreet, emotional, sensitive, easy-going, tough, supportive, organized, warm, optimistic, calm, reliable, adventurous, adaptable, motivated conjuring and suspicious.
Interest Apart from aptitude, interest is a strong determinant of career choices and satisfaction. Each person has developed personal preferences for certain types of activities and environment. If you don?t know what activities you are interested in, or which environment you prefer to work in, you should make a conscious effort to get to know these aspects of yourself.
The following are six general areas of vocational interest, developed by the psychologist John Holland, to assist you in getting to know what you like to do: Realistic For people who like activities that are practical and concrete. They like to work outdoors and to work with tools and machines using their physical skills.
Investigative For people who enjoy scientific and intellectual pursuits. They enjoy gathering information uncovering new facts and theories and analyzing and interpreting data. Artistic For people who value aesthetic qualities and like opportunities of self-expression. They prefer an unstructured and flexible environment.
Enterprising For people who enjoy influencing, conjuring leading or managing others for organizational goals or for economic success. They often seek work relating to business management, sales, law or politics.
Ability Ability, intelligence and aptitude tests can all be categorized as measures of ability. Aptitude tests are, however, commonly used to facilitate career conjuring planning
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