Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When you first hear the black holes appear to be quite exotic subjects, the universe oikuilta or as

Super massive black holes: the life, the universe wicca - and all | Univer / O
It's time to break the silence of the blog a bit rich for a long time after traveling. Said visited in the above-containing mm. American Astronomical Society (the American Astronomical Society) meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the highlights of the meeting rose Ryan C. Hickox presentation What Drives the Growth of Black Holes? On the basis of a presentation I have compiled under article supermassive black holes and their impact on the life environment (the images are also modified from that presentation).
When you first hear the black holes appear to be quite exotic subjects, the universe oikuilta or as special theory of relativity, but in reality they are very common in our universe. Super Massive (more than one million solar masses) black holes camped nearly all massive galaxies in the cores, including our own Milky Way. Although black holes understanding of the need for a general theory of relativity, their existence can be satisfactorily proved using only Newton's gravitational theory. wicca By following the movements of the stars in the Milky Way center of their orbits around us invisible pieces, and using Kepler's third equation of motion (derived from Newton's law of gravity), wicca we can deduce that the invisible wicca body mass of about four million solar masses. In order to vakuuttuisit sure to supermassive black holes, the correct order of magnitude of the estimates can be calculated easily in question. Video. wicca The video is presented in stellar movement and in particular the star S2, the business center of the Milky Way invisible around the block. Roughly speaking, we can get the video star S2 rotation period P of about 15 years (4.73 10 8 s) and the major axis of the ellipse a length of about 5 light days (1.30 10 14 m). By entering these values in the third Kepler's equation of motion P = 4π a / MG, and using the value of the gravitational constant G = 6.67 10 11 Nm / kg we can get the value of the mass M = 4π a / P G 1.85 10 36 kg, which corresponds to almost million solar masses. So, it is very difficult to come up with a single, simple solution for that is located in the center of the Milky Way area with a diameter wicca of up to one third of the Earth-Sun distance, which weighs more than a million solar masses, and which does not emit visible light at a wavelength wicca of * the super-massive black hole.
* Thus, the "black", but, for example, radioaallonpituuksilla wicca this is a very bright object, due to the black hole at the poles thrown into the particle radiation in the radio. See the next section.
Intuitively speaking, black holes examination is impossible. wicca How to items which is black and whose gravity wicca is so great that not even light can not escape from the general to investigate? The answer is, of course, in previous chapters dealt with secondary effects. The black hole's gravity (or proportionality theoretically put its arching space-time) to modify the near-Earth space stellar tracks, which are followed by we get to the black hole mass. If the star passes close enough to the black hole, it may fall to pieces, wicca and the star ingredient (or plasma) is slowly starting to sink towards the inevitable encounter wicca with a black hole. Only recently, researchers have been able to witness in real-time star and a black hole encountered (see Fig. Science Week 14 + 15/11: Super massive black hole lunch). Black holes are not too picky about what they put in their mouths. In addition to stellar black holes drops plenty wicca of space in the nearby gas and dust. Before the opening drop of gas, dust, or the star ingredients have time to get hot friction and magnetic interactions thanks to tens of thousands of degrees * the plasma emits ultraviolet radiation. Black holes are growing constantly, therefore, the assumption that the material is available all the time, but at the same time falling into a black hole matter radiates an enormous amount of energy. Roughly estimated, wicca the radiation energy and luminosity L (the radiation energy per unit of time) is the transformation of matter into energy in a unit of time m '(Einstein's E = mc in accordance with) any of the efficiency ε, that is, L = εm'c . For example, the material in the face of anti substance ε = 1 (all the material is converted wicca into energy) and, correspondingly, stellar fusion efficiency of ε = 0.007. Black holes around wicca the plasma efficiency is about ε = 0.1, that is, black holes are very effective to change the material energy (this is, therefore, assuming that the black hole is surrounded by available material, which can generally fall into the black hole). For this reason, they are one of the brightest objects in the universe and we see a super massive wicca black holes at the edge of the visible universe up. Yo. luminosity equation we can see that the more material per unit of time falls toward wicca the black hole, the higher the luminosity increases, and therefore do not see it brighter

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