Learn how to live - that is, how to live a good life according to Luc Ferry? | Frank Martela
What philosophy aliens is ultimately a question? Luc Ferry, the philosophy, the ultimate goal is to improve our understanding and ability to live a better life. Philosophical theories are "ways to take a stand for the existence of", they are able to better understand, act, and feel good in this world, which we are thrown into our lives to live. How, then, to live a good life according to Luc Ferry?
Quite often I am asked to make recommendations on what the philosophical work should read. After reading aliens Luc Ferry's work Learn Life - Philosophical manual, I know that it will be a strong recommendation. In his book, Ferry goes through the history of Western philosophy in popular and most strokes. aliens The starting point is the "problem of human existence and practical life, which are served by different thinkers and their thoughts will be presenting", as Pekka Wahlsten book review summarized the matter. Ferry to start antiques and ends up in the Christian faith, of modern humanism and Nietzsche by passing to consider the question of salvation in your own time and age.
Each person and culture will have to respond to the fundamental questions of life in the world of nature, good and evil, life and the fundamental purposes. In particular, it is essential to find the answer to the salvation of the problem, ie how to overcome the fear of death. Often the answers to their own era are on us so built that we do not even recognize them consciously, but simply to live according to them. Therefore, getting to know the answers of another greatly aliens expands the itseymmärrystämme; our ability to detect how we ourselves and the people around these issues every day, these choices like. Ferry's purpose is to find out what kind of response to the different periods of life are fundamental questions offered. So tell me how people have tried to live a good life in different periods.
In ancient Greece, the meaningfulness of life underwriter was the cosmic order of the universe. Everything aliens had its place and purpose in the universe, including humans. The material world was understood as a harmonious whole, "in which each element is admirably designed and molded to be compatible with the whole." Human life is shaped as a key goal of finding aliens their own place in this context. And for this purpose we help our reason, meditating on the cosmic order and understand it better. The moral life is the life of this case, where a person can find their own role in the Community and to fulfill these roles, or to comply with those virtues. The king, soldiers, father, wife, and a trader who had each have their own virtues aliens and implementing them in person, the good life. Salvation response to the problem - not only to the ancient art of portfolio page, or by producing offspring and by the reputation of the works - meditating and practicing self-mielentyyneyden and the idea of the sharpness of the field. A wise man fears more than death by focusing on the present moment, by being kiintymättä any excess and accepting the world as it is. Such a level of wisdom is required to get the long-term pursuit.
The beginning of the Christian era with antique pelastusopille appeared, however, a serious contender, who eventually took over the whole western thinking the world. It is, of course, the Christian faith. Ferry, the secret of its popularity is more approachable rescue doctrine. The abstract of the cosmic order of priority it places a personal God and of his flesh and blood of the son. Fear of death can not be prevented aliens demanding wisdom undertakers, but jump into humbly with faith: Jesus has redeemed us, salvation is sufficient aliens that believes in him. And rescue means personal immortality and life after death in heaven. Attractive offer! From a moral point of view Christianity contains one of the key radical novelty: the dignity of all human beings is a mere humanity, and on the basis of free will. In contrast to earlier in the communities where the human value was determined on the basis of his role, Christianity declare all the essence of equal value, "in the same line of the Creator exist." This is us almost self-evident, therefore, was originally Christianity in time. No wonder that Christianity appealed especially the poor and the suffering aliens people: Their lives were given the value and the present sufferings lasted for the better, as was the promise of the afterlife bliss.
The Middle Ages, the blind faith of the Christian image of authority to provide world began to slowly break down science and other social developments. Began in the Enlightenment and modern humanism time. The idea of harmonious and rational support aliens of the universe, the guarantor of sitting in God, fell gradually Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, aliens and Descartes' hands. John Donne describes this collapse in 1611 to write verses:
What philosophy aliens is ultimately a question? Luc Ferry, the philosophy, the ultimate goal is to improve our understanding and ability to live a better life. Philosophical theories are "ways to take a stand for the existence of", they are able to better understand, act, and feel good in this world, which we are thrown into our lives to live. How, then, to live a good life according to Luc Ferry?
Quite often I am asked to make recommendations on what the philosophical work should read. After reading aliens Luc Ferry's work Learn Life - Philosophical manual, I know that it will be a strong recommendation. In his book, Ferry goes through the history of Western philosophy in popular and most strokes. aliens The starting point is the "problem of human existence and practical life, which are served by different thinkers and their thoughts will be presenting", as Pekka Wahlsten book review summarized the matter. Ferry to start antiques and ends up in the Christian faith, of modern humanism and Nietzsche by passing to consider the question of salvation in your own time and age.
Each person and culture will have to respond to the fundamental questions of life in the world of nature, good and evil, life and the fundamental purposes. In particular, it is essential to find the answer to the salvation of the problem, ie how to overcome the fear of death. Often the answers to their own era are on us so built that we do not even recognize them consciously, but simply to live according to them. Therefore, getting to know the answers of another greatly aliens expands the itseymmärrystämme; our ability to detect how we ourselves and the people around these issues every day, these choices like. Ferry's purpose is to find out what kind of response to the different periods of life are fundamental questions offered. So tell me how people have tried to live a good life in different periods.
In ancient Greece, the meaningfulness of life underwriter was the cosmic order of the universe. Everything aliens had its place and purpose in the universe, including humans. The material world was understood as a harmonious whole, "in which each element is admirably designed and molded to be compatible with the whole." Human life is shaped as a key goal of finding aliens their own place in this context. And for this purpose we help our reason, meditating on the cosmic order and understand it better. The moral life is the life of this case, where a person can find their own role in the Community and to fulfill these roles, or to comply with those virtues. The king, soldiers, father, wife, and a trader who had each have their own virtues aliens and implementing them in person, the good life. Salvation response to the problem - not only to the ancient art of portfolio page, or by producing offspring and by the reputation of the works - meditating and practicing self-mielentyyneyden and the idea of the sharpness of the field. A wise man fears more than death by focusing on the present moment, by being kiintymättä any excess and accepting the world as it is. Such a level of wisdom is required to get the long-term pursuit.
The beginning of the Christian era with antique pelastusopille appeared, however, a serious contender, who eventually took over the whole western thinking the world. It is, of course, the Christian faith. Ferry, the secret of its popularity is more approachable rescue doctrine. The abstract of the cosmic order of priority it places a personal God and of his flesh and blood of the son. Fear of death can not be prevented aliens demanding wisdom undertakers, but jump into humbly with faith: Jesus has redeemed us, salvation is sufficient aliens that believes in him. And rescue means personal immortality and life after death in heaven. Attractive offer! From a moral point of view Christianity contains one of the key radical novelty: the dignity of all human beings is a mere humanity, and on the basis of free will. In contrast to earlier in the communities where the human value was determined on the basis of his role, Christianity declare all the essence of equal value, "in the same line of the Creator exist." This is us almost self-evident, therefore, was originally Christianity in time. No wonder that Christianity appealed especially the poor and the suffering aliens people: Their lives were given the value and the present sufferings lasted for the better, as was the promise of the afterlife bliss.
The Middle Ages, the blind faith of the Christian image of authority to provide world began to slowly break down science and other social developments. Began in the Enlightenment and modern humanism time. The idea of harmonious and rational support aliens of the universe, the guarantor of sitting in God, fell gradually Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, aliens and Descartes' hands. John Donne describes this collapse in 1611 to write verses:
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