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Anonymous user Anonymous 25268 posts 20th December 2010
Hello. Have a small problem, and much contemplate, so I will hear their opinions on this. S has his son, that I hold on to a girl, but I have no feelings for her, while she has lots of emotions for me. She has a friend who I'm absolutely incredible in love. While my best friend like this girl I like, and I know this girl that I also like, like my best friend. because we have very good contacts and I have SPRT her about this. My bestfriend and his friend (who I like) my have no idea why I like her. But the girl I like know I do not like her, I hold on to. S, what should I do? Know that it is very messy written. Thanks the hunger games 2012 for any answers posted the hunger games 2012 by anonymous: 36f9b496ad62d29a7ad54e1aa242f222
It hres basicly like you are deep shit ... If you were to break with her you mess with n she's in love with ice is not given that she wants you because she likes your buddy in addition to that you fucked with her girlfriend.
Hres not exactly like that you have some big shot anyway when you say that you know she also likes your friend. Think this is the best either upper bridge and wingman p. S fr you be quick with dibs next time. inb4 "challenge accepted"
If they like each other's likes each other. But if you tr can you say to this girl that you like her very much. And if she does not like you in the same way you take it perhaps with a shrug, it s not embarrassing. Then you need ih
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