Monday, September 22, 2014

Sjlva premises ghost adventures were completely mrk. I thought I saw a black mist that during a gon

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God speaks through dreams - Holger Nilsson
And it shall come in the last days, says God, I will pour out of my Spirit over all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old mill shall have dreams. Acts. 2:17.
God wants to awaken his people. He can use dreams as a tool for it. It seems that a lot frvckande dreams INFR Jesus' second coming. They can be the sign that this event facilities ghost adventures can be very close. We publish hr tv dreams that we have taken note of:
We sat on a meeting, there was a heavy vldig stmning, in a now fought drrarna up and a man shouting with hgrst "Jesus comes". We ran out a few pieces to an adjacent mountain and looked up at the sky and I cried, "See morgonstjrnan".
Had a dream last night that was strong. In the dream it was clear for me that God had given me frmgan to distinguish between good and evil. It was like I had FTT special glasgon through which I would f see how it really stood for. There were not from God was mrkt, it was from God would be bright.
I went into ifrsamlingsbyggnaden, ghost adventures church square was completely ghost adventures plunged imrker. ghost adventures As it was during the night, but few any lights tnda. I went up on lktaren and when I stepped ghost adventures into the church hall (where one has verb lick all over the church room), I saw that it was crowded.
Sjlva premises ghost adventures were completely mrk. I thought I saw a black mist that during a gonblick swept. I could not discern people I knde among the frsamlade, ghost adventures it was more a mnniskohav who took up all the seats.
What struck me was that almost everyone was frsnkta imrker. There were a few single people all around in the crowd called for a ljusbltt shine. ghost adventures I frstod that this was the person who had the Spirit of God. They were not many, but some could be found here and dr, often one and a sitting among the ther lacked light.
I sat down, and saw that my mom was sitting next to me. She had a bltt shone around them, I saw down on my hand and saw the glow of this blue light. I mrkte that was brewing, mtet would Begin. Interestingly, ghost adventures tnkte me, now I see the f in the line that had a bltt shine. D took the dream ended.
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Ls everything! A mrkligt hotmejl
Jesus, I receive you now and beknner you as my Lord and Frlsare. ghost adventures I believe that God has uppvckt you from the dead. I ask for frltelse for all my sins. Thanks I now r frlst. Thank you that you have frltit me and thank me now is a child of God. Amen.
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LANGUAGE: Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian ghost adventures Azerbaijani Basque Bengali; bangla Bulgarian Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian Greek Gujarati Haitian Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Italian ghost adventures Japanese irlndska ghost adventures islndska Yiddish Kannada Catalan Chinese (frenklad) Chinese (Traditional)

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