Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In our time, a lack of traditionally educated subliminal messages scholars - whether in Islamic law

Sufism in Islam | Sh. Nuh Keller | rahma.se
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A summary of an article from the "Handbook of Islam" by Nuh Ha Mim Keller (2002) based on "al-Maqasid" Imam Nawawis Translation and adaptation of the Swedish AC Nilsson Contemporary Muslims may sometimes hear that Sufism is something alien to Islam and the wonder about its position in the religion as a whole. In the following, this will in sha Allah highlighted.
Perhaps the greatest challenge of our time when it comes to getting the correct knowledge of Islam is a lack of traditionally trained scholars, culama. It is with this in mind that Bukhari explains this extremely well-authenticated (sahih) hadith in which the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him, said:
Allah does not remove the religious knowledge by taking it away from people, but rather by taking back the scholars souls (at death), until he not left a single scholar left and people take the ignorant subliminal messages leaders. They are asked about, and gives, Islamic legal opinions, without knowledge. They are themselves misguided and misguiding others. (Bukhari (9.10), I.36: 100).
In our time, a lack of traditionally educated subliminal messages scholars - whether in Islamic law, hadith, or Koran interpretation, tafsir - gave rise to an understanding subliminal messages of the religion that is far from scientific, and sometimes subliminal messages even far from the truth. During the course of our own studies in Islamic law where such the first impression we got of Orientalist and Muslim reform literature, the Imams of the schools of law (madhahib) had presented a set of rules derived entirely outside the Islamic tradition, subliminal messages and for some reason forced upon the Muslims. subliminal messages However, when we sat with traditionally trained scholars in the Middle East and asked them to explain the closer we got a different opinion, then we have learned something subliminal messages about how laws are derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah. In the same way it is with tasawwuf - by talking with scholars of Tasawwuf emerge a quite different picture subliminal messages than the one you meet in the West.
The following article will present knowledge taken from the Quran and sahih hadith, and from living teacher of Sufism in Syria and Jordan, given all of us need to go behind the clichés, to get accurate information from Islamic sources and to get questions subliminal messages like these answered:
Regarding the concepts of tasawwuf and "Sufism", so these were not known by the first generation subliminal messages of Muslims, as are several other Islamic disciplines. In its Muqaddima historian Ibn Khaldun:
This knowledge is a branch of the religious sciences Act which originated in the umma. These people's way of life has been from the beginning considered to represent truth and the right path of guidance by the early Muslim community and its noble representatives of the Prophet, subliminal messages may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him, followers, those who were taught by them and those who came after them. Sufism basic feature is devotion to worship, to love dedicate his life to God, the Most High, indifference subliminal messages to worldly ostentation and shine, abstinence from seeking the pleasures, the economic success and prestige as most people seek, and a life of seclusion dedicated to the worship of God in solitude. subliminal messages This was the prevailing attitude among the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him, companions and the early Muslims. Since concern for grain

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