Friday, September 19, 2014

Home Our teachers Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi Sh. Faisal Abdur-Razak Sh. Gibril Haddad Sidi Salah Uddin

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A. Within Sunni Islam there are four orthodox schools of law, as passed from the early Islamic era until today. They are all within the framework of the Sunni creed, and is based on four common principles: (a) Quran (b) of the Prophet and his companions statements, (c) the scholarly consensus (ijama') virgo horoscope today and (d) analogiresonmeang (qiyas) to determine new questions, but they differ on what principles virgo horoscope today will prevail. The various schools also use additional principles, eg community benefit, to prevent evil, etc.
First Hanafi virgo horoscope today school is named after Imam al-A'zham - "the greatest imam" - Abu Hanifa virgo horoscope today Nu'man b. Thabit (d. 150 H. In Baghad). He lived in Kufa, and was known for his sharp intellect and wit, generosity and gudfruktan. Many of his students became great Imams, chief among them the Qadi Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Shaybani and Imam Zafar. The issues discussed in their majlis came to form the basis of the Hanafi school, which then quickly spread across the expanding Islamic empire. Hanafi school was able to formulate answers virgo horoscope today to the new questions that arose in new environments, and fotsätter today to excel for his practical virgo horoscope today flexibility. It is everywhere in the world and is the numerically largest law school - about 50% of all Muslims in the world today hanafiter.
2nd Maliki school is named after Imam Anas b. Malik (d. 179 H. in Madina), who lived in the Prophet Muhammad virgo horoscope today (Salla Allah'aleihi wa sallam) city Madina. His school placed great emphasis on the direct tradition of the inhabitants of Madina, who was still living at his time ('amal Ahl al-Madina). Imam Malik had a tremendous love and respect for Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allah'aleihi wa sallam). He was very Godly and humble, and therefore he often replied to questions with "I do not know." He gathered his hadith in the famous virgo horoscope today collection "Al-Muwatta virgo horoscope today '. Maliki School is today dominant in North and West Africa.
3rd Shafi'i school virgo horoscope today was founded by Imam Muhammad b. Idris al-Shafi'i (d. 204 H. in Cairo), a man from the Prophet's family virgo horoscope today with deep knowledge, brilliant wit and great humility. He was born in Gaza, grew up in Makka, studied under Imam Malik in Madina and Imam Abu Hanifa's students in Baghdad. In Egypt, he finally unveiled an entirely new legal system (the "new school") as adopted by many of Islam's most prominent scholars of history. Imam al-Shafi'i is also known for his great love for the Prophet Muhammad (Allah virgo horoscope today aAll'alihi virgo horoscope today wa sallam) family and ättligar, and for its beautiful language including expressed virgo horoscope today in his poems (Diwan al-Imama al-Shafi'i) .- Today Shafi'i school dominant in the Middle East, East Africa virgo horoscope today and Southeast Asia. Many of Islam's most eminent scholars have belonged to his school.
4th Hanbali school is named after Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal (d. 241 H. in Baghdad), and it is based on Imam al-Shafi'is legal principles. Imam Ahmad lived in Baghdad and the Imam al-Shafi'is most outstanding student in fiqh. He also studied virgo horoscope today under Imam Abu Hanifa's students. He is best known however for his hadith knowledge. Imam Ahmad and Imam Malik have both been called "Amir al-mu'minin fi'l-hadith". Imam Ahmad was known for his piety and adherence to principle. He endured great trials during the mu'tazilitiska rulers when he defended the Quran as Allah

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