Friday, November 7, 2014

The invisible region that surrounds our globe, like any other, and which corresponds to the second

The invisible region that surrounds our globe, like any other, and which corresponds to the second principle of the Cosmos (the third principle is the life, of which it is the vehicle), the Linga Sharira Double or Astral man. A subtle Essence astrogyan visible only clairvoyant eye, and the lowest but one (the land) of the Seven Cosmic Principles or Akashic. Eliphas Levi calls it the great Serpent and the Dragon from which radiates on Humanity every evil influence. And so; but why not add that the Astral Light does not emit anything other than what he has received, that it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the lower emanations astrogyan of the earth (both moral and physical) with whom the Astral Light is fed, are all turned in their essence thinner and radiated back intensified, so as to become epidemic - morally, mentally and physically. Finally, the Astral Light is the same as the sidereal light of Paracelsus and other Hermetic philosophers. "From a physical point of view, it is the ether of modern science. In a metaphysical sense, spiritual, or occult, the ether is much more than is often imagined. In occult physics, and alchemy is well established that not only holds in its endless waves the promise and potency of every quality of life, mentioned by Mr. Tyndall, but also the realization of the power of every quality of spirit. .... "(Isis Unveiled Vol. p. 49).
Today I dedicate a discussion on this issue, to fulfill a request that was made to me. I extrapolated the definition of Blavatsky because it makes very good idea of what this plan represents. I try to simplify it: it is the vibrational energy plan over to our (my experience has differentiated the etheric plane - the aura of the person, his magnetism - and the astral plane as the components of the plan soul - the soul), and then, the most easily accessible by all. So much so that each of us in his sleep he traveled in astral unknowingly ... did you ever waking up with a start with the feeling of falling out of bed to be woken abruptly? ... This feeling is the perception of the physical return of the astral body to the physical body. Because of its accessibility, despite a lack of awareness work, the astral plane is often the source of messages and perceptions that are read on the web. To get to the level of consciousness, higher vibrational, it is indeed necessary to work on themselves to reach very long and thorough to remove all the blocks of the soul level (What are these blocks? Our fears and weaknesses, our thought patterns .. . ie you have to get to the acceptance of its totality, to become aware of the thought and heart to entrust the direction of the mind ... this process opens the door to knowledge and, therefore, to a vibrational frequency higher than the material that is dictated by the mind, emotions, reactions and the mindsets). It is clear that perceptions of the astral plane and messages reflect the energy of who becomes a means of transmission: astrogyan the astral plane does not give off nothing of what he has received in its most subtle and amplified. I think it important to dwell on this point: astral travel, that intrigues people so much, for this reason can be very dangerous if you are not ready to face it. How so? Why in the astral - amplified and faithful mirror astrogyan of our world - we find the manifestation of our thoughts ... ... difficult to explain using an example: I do astral travel with some unresolved fears (meaning they already have in the physical astrogyan block or a refusal to deal with them and I do not know how to handle them) ... imagine being afraid of snakes astrogyan in the astral ... just a thought uncontrolled (and a thought astrogyan of fear is natural to explore something when we do not know) that shape our thinking materializes at a subtle level (of course we use the astral body - thin - to travel, so the thought form will seem very "real" for that energy level) ... and we will be surrounded by huge snakes ... and more our fear will intensify (because we have learned to put the mind in the service of the heart, so this will act as the undisputed source of uncontrollable thoughts ...) ... plus you'll actually live destabilizing situations ... where the Danger? in hurried back into the body, which prey to the destabilization can be done in the wrong way then creating us problems in everyday life (dissociation, for example). astrogyan Unfortunately, there is little talk of the risks and so the special effects. For this reason, astrogyan I insist always

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