The camel spiders are eight-legged invertebrates belonging to Solifugae order, one of the minor orders of the Class Arachnida, Subphylum Chelicerata, Phylum Arthropoda, which includes about 900 described species, 67 known in South America. The name comes from the Latin Solifugae and means "those fleeing the sun." The name does not reflect the current knowledge of the group, many species ted 2012 are diurnal and crepuscular. The evening also not present photophobia and, on the contrary, are attracted by artificial light. The solífugos are also known as solpugídeos also a Latin word meaning like Solifugae. The body is divided into prosome and opistossoma. The prosome has become segmented. The front side corresponds ted 2012 to the original four segments prosome an arachnid and is covered by a chitinous plate propeltidium call. The eyes are located on a small rise (or ridge) Mid the anterior margin of propeltidium. Then there are two pairs of transverse bands, the anterior and posterior arcus arcus, corresponding to the fifth segment, and soon after, a rectangular tergite corresponding to the sixth segment, called post-peltidium. The opistossoma is oval and consists of 11 somites well-defined, being first lowered in the adult. The genital orifice and tracheal stigmata are in the belly of opistossoma. The pleural membrane between the sclerites of opistossoma is very elastic and after feeding the animal's body can become very swollen. Chelicerae of solífugos have two threads and are very large and robust, being able to reach the rest of the size of the prosome. This is one of the most striking features of the order. In males the first segment of chelicera has a flagellum, whose function is unknown. The pedipalp has six segments. The thighs (first segment) have gnatobases structures called with food function. At the end of the tarsus (last segment) instead of the terminal claw present in other arachnids, ted 2012 there is an adhesive body, which helps the climb on smooth surfaces. The pedipalp is very similar to the legs, so solífugos ted 2012 appear to have ten legs instead of eight. The following are the four pairs of bare legs or paws. The first pair is elongated and used with sensory function (anteniforme paw). The other three pairs are typically outpatient, used for locomotion. Thighs and trochanters the last couple of legs have shaped structures tennis rackets calls malleoli (from the Latin, small hammer). These structures are unique to Solifugae order and has unknown function, but are highly innervated and very sensitive ted 2012 to touch. The name of some genera as Ammotrecha Banks, 1900 (comes ted 2012 from the Greek, "Sand corridor") and Eremobates Banks, 1900 (also the Greek wanderer deserts ") reflect their preferences. There are many daytime and twilight species, in addition to species night, who are attracted by artificial light. Some species may come into cities and even in homes, such as Mummucia variegata (Gervais, 1849) in Santiago, Chile, Gluvia dorsalis (Latreille, 1837) in Madrid or the kind of Galeodes Olivier 1791 circulating among American troops in the Middle East. Most species runs very quickly with sudden movements, making their capture a very difficult task. They can climb trees and walls up to several meters high. Some may even go up on plates glass, due to the adhesive of the pedipalps organs. Some African species but walk slowly on the sand. large species can be aggressive and take a position with high prosome, open chelicerae and producing noises to scare a potential enemy. Can bite man, and the bite is very painful thanks to the robustness of chelicerae, but do not have any kind of poison. The secondary sexual characteristics are not so evident. Males are slightly thinner and have the queliceral scourge. Copulation is rapid and violent. The male immobilizes the female who is lethargic, massaging your opistossoma and opens his genital orifice chelicerae. Then he issues a sperm mass on earth, handle it with the chelicerae and introduces the female genital orifice. Then the male escapes, usually pursued by the female. The fertilized female buries and sets a mass 50 to 200 eggs. There is no parental care records. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Arachnida Order: Solifugae
2013 (78) August (21) July (10) Microstigmatidae Mecicobothriidae Atypidae Antrodiaetidae Spider silver-aquatic Argyroneta Spider-Jumping ted 2012 Spider-Camel Spiders Beetle Hercules ted 2012 May (4) February (43)
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