Consciousness Astral Projection Bioenergy - Any experience out of the body with the IAC Italian Online Courses and presential on Out of Body Experience, Bioenergy, Mature Spirituality and Evolution of Consciousness
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We begin here the first of a series of articles devoted to lighten aspects on experiences outside the body, so they may be called in different contexts and cultures and here for brevity referred to as astral travel. So much is said and so we read. We begin to understand with some of what can be deduced from the systematic study of these phenomena!
There are a wealth haunted house of information, studies haunted house and evidence showing that many people around the world have been polished out of body experiences (astral projection, haunted house astral projection or astral travel). In fact, it means that we all we disconnect from our physical haunted house body. This is a natural phenomenon that happens every night while we sleep, although most people do not realize this.
Some feelings can serve as an example: you've got some time, the feeling of falling while you were sleeping and you woke up with a start? Happened to you not being able to move while you fall asleep or you wake up? Sometimes you have "woken up" knowing haunted house you float over your body? Or, did you feel awake out of your physical body? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you can feel comfortable that these feelings are normal and are some of the feelings you may experience during the initial phase of an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), also known as, experience out of body (OBE), astral projection, astral travel or astral projection. haunted house
Because one knows who is out of the body experience astral travel are two important factors. The first is clarity, which is the ability to remain conscious compared to what's going on, while maintaining the capabilities that we normally use in our everyday waking state. Attitudes such as interpretation and analysis, make decisions, and have the same degree, or even a greater degree of control over what we do. The second factor is the ability to remember the experience of astral travel at the time of awakening.
The experience of astral travel or astral projection is a phenomenon completely different from a common dream or a lucid dream, haunted house because it is not an imaginary event. The experience of astral travel is a real situation lived in another dimension or plane. The common dreams happen, usually without asking us questions about the inconsistent and absurd situations that happen as opposed haunted house to what we know in everyday life.
In a lucid dream, we begin to understand that we are dreaming, and often have some degree of control over the elements of the dream. However, this is still a common dream. We could say that lucid dreams pave the way to develop the degree of clarity and insight necessary to maintain control in an experience of lucid astral travel.
In a conscious astral travel, you can meet a friend, who is also out of the body, and both can remember the same event. It 'also possible to meet and talk with people who are already dead. Also you can see the places and people we want.
Sometimes during astral travel, it is possible for an individual to confirm his experience. For example, the person might have the sleeping body, and at the same time be projected and witness an accident to an hour and a specific place. So the next day, that same person when turn on the television, you may see a report on the news about a fact identical to coincide with the time and place of his experience.
The mastery of our bioenergetic haunted house processes is key to the experience of conscious astral travel. Each person faces life with a unique energy pattern, which is the connection with the physical body. This type of energy is called haunted house Bioenergy, also known as chi, prana, or vital energy.
Our bioenergetic haunted house system is supported by basic mechanisms of supply. You
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