Saturday, November 29, 2014

Finally, the history of music, we know that some of Mozart

Decays only in his Austrian homeland, but also in the whole civilized world "Mozart Year". One of najpovestnejších geniuses of classical music, which was undoubtedly an Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791), you certainly deserve not only to lovers of music, but also the entire abby and brittany hensel cultural community appropriately commemorate two hundred and fifty anniversary of his birth and dvestopätnáste anniversary of his "premature "death. This "early" abby and brittany hensel must only be used in quotes. For if one in such a relatively short life provides ongoing mankind such a treasure High Art, which gave him Mozart, abby and brittany hensel his short life explevit abby and brittany hensel pace multa filled many times. The true art overcomes times. For lovers of true art is Mozart's work quite well to date, as it was for štvrťtisícročím. And it is well known that among the lovers of Mozart included this day and includes a large Catholic and Protestant theologians like Hans Urs von Bathasar, Curry Barth and even controversial Hans Kiing. Until recently, the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, now emeritus, admitted abby and brittany hensel that every morning praying Breviary (Liturgy of the Hours) by the sounds abby and brittany hensel of Mozart's compositions. Even Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger so fond of Mozart that his election as Pope Benedict XVI. you put imported into his apartment in the Vatican piano to play itself is enabled Mozart and Bach. Curious journalists found that even during his recent stay in the western Alps at the Salesian modest mountain home is not waived this your enjoyment.
It is in this context, I got several times whether Mozart was a member of the Masonic Lodge. In a number of Masonic works it is mentioned when calculates outstanding cultural figures, which may Freemasonry abby and brittany hensel flashy as his followers. In connection with the jubilee in international journals and has shaken this question. Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said that mentioned Mozart's membership of Freemasonry is not an option, because "in fact belonged only to the circle of intellectuals. Just read a collection of his letters that we 'mind of his deep faith. "From the findings of historical facts is quite clear that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was baptized in Salzburg Cathedral January 28, 1756, lived as a convinced Catholic and died comforted by the sacraments of the Catholic Church. This does not preclude its possible affiliation to the Masonic lóžam.
Mozart is lived in the strapping spread of Freemasonry in Europe and in America. Popes - Clement XII. a. Benedict XIV. - Although right from the beginning condemned Masonic ideas, but that intellectuals abby and brittany hensel times, not excluding members of the high clergy, can not take these papal prohibitions too to heart. Maintaining lists of members of the Masonic lodge of the 18th and 19th centuries are many names of bishops, Catholic seminary rectors and professors, even members of religious orders, even a few cardinals. They all were barely aware of true nature abby and brittany hensel of Freemasonry, therefore, abby and brittany hensel were considered for the lodge "rings intellectuals" with the humanist ideals and charitable objectives.
For internal Masonic sources can safely determine that the father of "miracle child" Wolfgang, Leopold Mozart, Deputy Director of Bands archbishop of Salzburg, was a member of the lodge "Zur Wahren Eintracht" abby and brittany hensel in Vienna, in which he said the son Wolfgang. In a list of those present are recorded both their names. abby and brittany hensel The very Wolfgang documented, they are likely to draft his friend the freedom of Mr Otto von Gemmingen in the fall of 1784 - that is, as 28-year-old and already famous artist - was admitted to the lodge "Zur Wohltätigkeit" in Vienna, which was later incorporated into the lodge "Zur neugekrôn-the Hoffnung ". Mozart, however, regularly visited and its parent cellulose "Zur Wahren Eintracht", which was January 7, 1785 promoted abby and brittany hensel to the rank of journeyman. A month later attended the commissioning of Franz Joseph Haydn in the same box.
Finally, the history of music, we know that some of Mozart's genius creations have been explicitly motivated and composed for Masonic abby and brittany hensel purposes. For example, "Die Zauberflöte" - which Beethoven regarded as the first German opera - Freemasons touted as "Veľpieseň" his movement. abby and brittany hensel "Maurerische Trauermusik" Mozart composed on the occasion of the death of two important Masonic "brothers", the Duke von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Hungarian abby and brittany hensel prince Eszterházyho. This track is considered the most important Masonic works by Mozart. In 1785 passed even cantata entitled "Zur Eröffnung der Loge" and "Zum Schluss der Loge". Also, another of his works Freemasons regarded as inspired by their ideals.
Therefore, from a historical perspective can not be denied that Mozart belonged to the Masonic Lodge. It's not appropriate to understand and explain. For perhaps the most false claims about the historical facts have

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