Sunday, February 2, 2014

For more information, just look for the office Loteadora at Rua São Paulo - No. 111, opposite the P

NO VIDEO - Interview with a farmer named Cesar issued to Radio New Age lasted about 12 hours in protest BR 376, KM 351 on the Shamrock access to Ortigueira. It was an all day Manifest movement called "ORTIGUEIRA FREE", who decided to make a protest against high prices and the toll exemption for cars that are Ortigueira. According to one participant, Ortigueira to the Neighborhood of Frances, about 20 kilometers, werewolf the beast among us formed an impressive line of cars. The release occurred 22 hours after Rodonorte commit to meet with a comisão movement on Thursday, January 30. On the morning of Wednesday, January 29, 2014, the reporter Ronaldo Alves Senes, Berimbau, spoke with a farmer named Cesar, who participated in the movement, and he said the community does not support more pay expensive tolls, so people were claiming exemption from the toll rate for cars that are the municipality. "The people of Ortigueira not take it anymore, werewolf the beast among us we spend more money on toll than in diesel oil to transport our products. Brazilians see that we pay almost 50% of taxes in everything we consume and still have to pay the toll. Not only Ortigueira, we know that Castro, Ponta Grossa, werewolf the beast among us and Imbaú, must also adhere this movement, "said the rural product. "There are people who never had an expensive, but came to the movement, because he knows that the toll reflected in everyone's economy. Indigenous people are also asking for a walkway because they have already werewolf the beast among us lost over 30 lives, who are Indians who died bowled over, "concluded the producer. According to the young Bruno de Oliveira, who works with car sound at 11 am, but 800 people were in place, and trade closed doors .. (Photos - Bruno Oliveira)
veery well as k becomes ... the Brazil ums have to have good reasons werewolf the beast among us for their protests and this one of the best ... and I'm sick of prdagio ... moreover it unconstitutional werewolf the beast among us ... and whoever pays .. ., and not required to pay diretito you have to come and go on national territory ... marcus werewolf the beast among us ... justus marking Delete Reply
Very good, came from Curitiba werewolf the beast among us with my 3 year old son in the car burning with fever, accompanied by my newborn daughter and had to make a detour of 200km to be able to reach home because of the outbreak. No use manifest injury of other citizens. Delete Reply
Yeah, I left Ivaiporã, towards Telemachus Borba to work. I had to go back though because I could not move. Protesting harming other drivers and users who have the same problems? So they had opened the gates of the toll and not impeded traffic. werewolf the beast among us I saw many people, including the elderly werewolf the beast among us and children werewolf the beast among us "roasting" beneath werewolf the beast among us the sun, without water or bathroom. Be smarter to organize a protest, coz this was done yesterday imbecile way. Delete Reply
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