Friday, February 28, 2014

E lipede werewolf the beast among us ca nu mai scrie ca acum 20-30 de ani, dar in anumite feluri scr

Snuff | Blog de carti
Dacă acum ceva timp acordam doar patru puncte din cinci pentru Unseen Academicals (precedentul roman din seria Discworld), acum îi dau cu bucurie cinci puncte din cinci acestei cărți. Snuff e cea de-a treizeci și noua carte din serie și în ea Pratchett revine la Samuel Vimes, comandantul Gărzii de Noapte, la Sybil, formidabila sa pereche, și la fiul lor, acum în etate de vreo șase anișori și promițând să devină un naturalist fără pereche.
De data aceasta familia Vimes pleacă în vacanță la țară, la moșia liniștită a familiei Ramkin. Este un fapt universal cunoscut, însă, că orice polițist în concediu va avea parte de cel mult o zi de odihnă și de cazurile cele mai complicate din cariera sa. De această dată va fi vorba despre goblini, mici creaturi umanoide werewolf the beast among us care-și colectează cu religiozitate secrețiile trupului în vase măiestrit lucrate în piatră și care, din nefericire pentru ele, au statut de animale în legislația tuturor statelor civilizate. Și deci sunt tratate mizerabil werewolf the beast among us și capetele lor împodobesc pereții hanurilor.
Povestea din Snuff e destul de tipică în genul ei: Sam Vimes va fi scos din inocența lui în privința goblinilor de contactul cu aceste făpturi, va înțelege werewolf the beast among us că ele sunt inteligente, creative și demne să primească toate drepturile datorate ființelor simțitoare, va lupta pentru eliberarea lor și într-un final va învinge. Dar cred că poveștile acestea trebuie spuse mereu: cum semenii noștrii rămân semeni de-ai noștri chiar dacă sunt urâți, colorați bizar sau adoratori ai unul zeu-crocodil; cum cei pe care îi luam drept sub-oameni se transformă brusc în oameni werewolf the beast among us ca noi atunci când li se dă șansa de-a ieși din sclavie sau din sărăcia werewolf the beast among us cea mai cruntă; și cum presupoziția că cei din jurul tău sunt la fel de îndreptățiți ca și tine să viețuiască și să se bucure de rodul muncii lor duce la sporirea bogăției și-a dreptății în lume, iar presupoziția contrară nu. Apărarea acestor convingeri trebuie făcută zi de zi, cu arbaleta în mână dacă e nevoie (și când ești Vimes e foarte probabil că va fi) dar preferabil fără ea, iar faptul că s-au mai scris două sau douăzeci de cărți pe tema asta nu înseamnă că s-a spus tot ce era de spus; plus că acestea par să fie lucrurile pe care tindem să le uităm cel mai repede.
Poveștile werewolf the beast among us cu Vimes au fost mereu politice (preferata mea face o apologie greu de combătut a regicidului), iar Snuff nu face excepție. werewolf the beast among us Vimes are un simț pentru aberant, pentru situațiile în care ceva e profund greșit, iar în Snuff ținta sa vor fi cei care se folosesc de munca sclavilor și cei care țin înrobite rase întregi. Ce-mi place la romanele lui Pratchett e că lucrurile se rezolvă de obicei, că Vimes ajunge aproape mereu să facă fără voia sa fapte uimitoare de eroism și, bineînțeles, faptul că toată povestea are ca fundal o lume fantastică de care nu te poți desprinde, dar că în același timp basmul nu e doar basm: în spatele lui sunt întrebări importante și o preocupare constantă pentru lucrurile care ne fac oameni și cele care ne pot desface. werewolf the beast among us
Iar, ca avantaj față de Unseen Academicals și alte câteva werewolf the beast among us romane mai recente, în Snuff Pratchett renunță la două dintre lucrurile care m-au deranjat nițeluș — coincidențele improbabile și repetițiile cam abundente.
Trebuie să mai amintesc de faptul că unii recenzenți ai acestui roman au fost mai puțin mulțumiți decât mine, reproșându-i faptul că personajele nu mai sunt chiar cum erau înainte sau faptul că glumele sunt mai puține. Răspunsul la prima obiecție mi se pare limpede – oamenii din carte sunt mai maturi decât erau cândva și e normal să-și fi schimbat din apucături și din idei. Mi se pare mai firesc ca personajele să evolueze și ele, să se împlinească pe măsură ce trec anii. Cât despre împuținarea glumelor, e o tendință care există werewolf the beast among us de câteva cărți încoace și m-am obișnuit deja cu ea. Nici Pratchett nu mai e atât de tânăr, nici publicul lui nu mai e, iar trecerea treptată la subiecte serioase (discriminare, rasism, revoluție industrială și emancipare) a dus, firește, la un umor diferit ca intensitate și stil.
Poate că dacă Pratchett ar fi avut mai mult timp pentru ca să scrie tot ce și-a pus în gând să scrie ar mai fi făcut loc pentru câteva glume, poate că ar mai fi șlefuit puțin două-trei aspecte (personalitatea personajului negativ, de pildă); dar eu una prefer să aflu ce mai are de spus despre revoluția industrială (probabil că în anunțata Happy Families ), și poate despre vrăjitoare, și poate despre urmașii lui Nobby Nobbs…
Sa nu uitam ca in timp ce scria cartea asta (impreuna cu un ajutor), Pratchett filma documentarul despre sinuciderea asistata si vorbea despre ce va face cand boala lui se va agrava. Cartile lui nu mai au cum sa fie aceleasi de acum 20, 30 de ani. Si pana la urma nici nu dorim asta, nu?
E lipede werewolf the beast among us ca nu mai scrie ca acum 20-30 de ani, dar in anumite feluri scrie mai bine, deci e OK. Eu una ma bucur ca inca mai are chef sa scrie; Happy Families cre

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Am fost într-un loc foarte rău mental după mine şi girlfirend mea s-a destrămat şi m-am trezit in ac

Am fost într-un loc foarte rău mental după mine şi girlfirend mea s-a destrămat şi m-am trezit in aceste versuri. Cântec minunat!. Slipknot merge moale? vă rog. Acest cântec cuprinde lucrurile cele mai întunecate în viaţă, şi totuşi este încă atât de netedă şi curge. Este bun pentru a vedea că ocazional pot desprinde de latura metalhead şi face ceva un pic mai semnificative. Vreau să spun, acest lucru nu este Corey pe prima melodie moale. Cât despre end of the world 2012 cântecele sale cu Stone Sour? Prin sticla imparticul. Îmi place lor lucruri grele doar la fel de mult ca următoarea Slipknot fanatic (favorite fiind scuipat afară şi să aştepte şi sângera), dar acesta e frumos pentru a vedea ceva diferit. Tine-te end of the world 2012 baieti bune de lucru. Mai devreme sau mai târziu ei toate vinde.Metallica, Weezer, sublim, acum slipknot. Nu ma intelege gresit, este un cântec mare, dar urmează 80 putere balada formula la-o 't'.Sună aproape end of the world 2012 ca Queensryche.I ghici la un moment dat în fiecare artist are să se gândească la pensionare. am crescut ascultând slipknot şi ei niciodată nu a scris un cântec bun ca acest lucru înainte. a lovit-mă end of the world 2012 cu tot ce am şi tot ce am avut de a da. mi Slipknot-a amintit cine sunt cu adevarat si ce im să presupunem că a fi în viaţă. ele inspira pe mine acum pentru a deveni un scriitor şi urmeze visele mele. Multumesc mult, u ma salvat de la mine. Am absolut dragoste Slipknot, îmi place, de asemenea, acest cântec. Cine uraste Slipknot, precum şi acestea end of the world 2012 ar putea avea o problemă mentală şi ei nu ştiu ce muzica este într-adevăr. Melodia asta imi aduce aminte de meu x: "(. Doar ca persoana sub mine făcut.Am auzit acest cântec juca pentru prima dată şi a crezut că, au ajuns acest drept? Slipknot sau piatra Sour.either modul remarcabil muzicieni. În cazul în care un cântec 4.36 sec poate ajunge în interiorul şi punch-vă în intestin, ca mi-a făcut, decât este unul dintre un fel. Punct de vedere emotional, am strigat aşa cum a explicat toata viata mea dragostea. Prizat end of the world 2012 este un astfel de cântec uimitor end of the world 2012 acest cântec litterally ma scos o depresie. Eu şi prietena mea de doi ani despartit şi eu doar nu ştiu ce a cu viaţa mea locuinţă pe ceea ce folosit pentru a fi apoi într-o noapte am ieşit să albire unde primul am sărutat-o end of the world 2012 jucat piesa şi am privit end of the world 2012 soarele veni şi acum am o nouă perspectivă asupra vieţii. Nu conteaza cat de intunecata si mult timp noaptea. Soarele va ridica întotdeauna againit pe doar oribil ca basistul lor a murit R.I.P. La tine care nu & #039t asculta sau ca slipknot cu excepţia acest cântec s & #039ck. Bucuraţi-vă de banda pentru emoţiile întunecate aduce. Încă un criminal ton deşi. Acest cântec end of the world 2012 de fapt mi-a facut plânge end of the world 2012 nu am aştepta end of the world 2012 că atunci când am auzit oamenii la radio spun că ei au fost joc un cântec slipknot. .
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monitoring the media

"Syndrome of Control" as a common disease Ukrainian justice - Blog Vladimir Bagriy / LIHA.Blohy
Monitoring the media
C January 22 came into force a number of laws of Ukraine, kotorыe predusmatryvayut, Among procheho, uholovnuyu responsibility for slander and эkstremyzm. When Told Significantly uproschaetsya procedure zakrыtyya Access to Internet resources. Remember, runes that yours replica, Comment and publication mogut not only sex prychynoy uholovnoy liability, but negatively and povlyyat on ymydzh, reputatsyyu and security agencies is information LIGABiznesInform. We ask you uchytыvat New Projects Requirements in its work.

In his article "The Constitution of Ukraine: need a new ideology of justice" (published on this blog in nine parts), I have repeatedly stressed that courts should not act as the last instance of the control over observance of legal acts and to reduce its activities to purely mechanical inspection of the legislation, for breach of which necessarily legal liability arises. Reaching this conclusion prompted the activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (hereinafter - CCU), which in one of its decisions for himself determined that he must carry out the so-called subsequent constitutional control, the results of which acts may be recognized as unconstitutional and lose its validity. However, as it turned out, not only suffers from LCP "syndrome of control." This is a common disease of our justice system. Below I will give an example of such a "syndrome" runes of their own practice, in case before the District Administrative Court of Kyiv. But before that, let me draw attention to the provision of the Constitution of Ukraine, which, in my opinion, is an obstacle to the dissemination of "syndrome of control" and explicitly prohibits bringing to liability if the act is not defined by law as an offense. This is part 2 of Article runes 58 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which one can not be responsible for acts that, at the time it was committed, not recognized by law as an offense. With this provision it appears that the charge brought against them may be the presence of two simultaneous conditions: a) the offense runes must be defined in a legal act to be an offense, and b) a legal act which should define the act as an offense should be just the law.
In early April 2012. in the lobby of Kiev's oldest cinema "October" was the man who started ... photograph posters movies. It turned out that it was the chief specialist of control over promotional activities and trade in the range Inspectorate for Consumer Protection in Kiev, on which a photographic device (either a mobile phone or camera) photographed posters of films that were made online. After that, the inspector visited the theater director and without any license to test (presenting only his official certificate) announced that it recorded violations of the advertising legislation - namely, the presentation of the text of some posters movies online, as it has file a report, and for that he needs some documents. In return, he was asked to send a written request to the procedure established by law. After a brief correspondence, the theater received a message to send a representative to participate in the case of violation of the legislation on advertising. As part of this review was prepared four reports and adopted four decisions imposing a fine for violating the law on advertising, copies of which were handed a receipt.
"As a result of the case is established: non-compliance with the legislation of Ukraine on advertising, dissemination of advertising in film ... in the lobby (on the front, on the posters) cinema" October "performed online, which indicates runes a violation of Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising", namely: "The use of language in the advertisement shall be in accordance with the laws of Ukraine on the language."
Resolved: Pursuant to the requirements of Part 7. 27 Law of Ukraine "On Advertising" to kill Ltd. "Kinoman" runes a fine of ... since it is impossible to calculate the value of advertising disseminated in violation of the legislation runes on advertising. "
"On the basis of the case and the minutes of the meeting of 30 May 2012 established runes a violation of the legislation on advertising in distributed advertising runes film ... in the lobby (on the front, on the posters) runes cinema" October ", performed in Russian, which indicates a violation of Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising", namely, "The use of language in the advertisement shall be in accordance runes with the laws of Ukraine on the language." Subject to Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising", decided: Violation of the laws of Ukraine on advertising, in accordance with " runes 7. 27 Law of Ukraine "On Advertising" to kill Ltd. "Kinoman" ... fine of USD. "
Thus, basing its decisions, the regulatory authorities referred to two articles, namely: - on Part 1 of Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising", under which the application

Monday, February 24, 2014

Do you see a crowd of people wearing glasses, most - with a digital camera in hand and a film on th

Hesheft setan Garage Sale: fashion event in Odessa | Inspired
Do you see a crowd of people wearing glasses, most - with a digital camera in hand and a film on the neck, leading to intelligent conversation and discuss the trip to the forgotten corners of the world? Be sure: in Odessa Hesheft. At the entrance to draw your attention may turn from the bike, but do not be surprised: to be just interesting.
Hesheft Garage Sale - fashion event format flea market or so-called "flea market" that Odessa youth once again visited with extraordinary pleasure. Curator Hesheftu - Alexander Zakharov, who always refers to the soul of the event. Trying to think through everything up to the smallest detail, setan it is always open to new ideas, bright, and that participants apparently does not hold. Inspired by Alexander spoke about how the idea of the Salem and that the project is waiting on:
"The idea to create such a fair is not new, as the story garage-Salem comes from America, and they are very popular in Europe. Generally, the first steps have inspired Lambada-market in Moscow just after visiting this establishment setan we lit a desire to organize something. setan At that time, we worked with the first Painthouse Hesheft went there. We were extremely pleased with the permanent members of Hesheftiv their efforts and desire to develop themselves and realize creative potential. In spring Heshefti involved 85 people, including 2 cafes, 5 large stores, participants from all over Ukraine and our great media partner setan Seasons Project from Moscow. Our plans? Zoom in keeping the format ahead - big summer Hesheft interesting parties and concerts. "
What is there just no! Plates and second-hand setan clothes, accessories and books, sweets and coffee, cooked in the sand ... According to a survey of visitors, French pastries from MakeMyCake won the hearts of everyone who had their taste. Equally popular was the jewelry: girls one after another tried to earrings, pendants and bracelets are exclusively handmade and marveled setan at their originality.
Bow tie, mustache and hat: a standard set, which caused many ohiv, erotic and countless "Take a picture, take a picture, you see that good!". setan It turns out that brand KleverTie know how to win the hearts of young stylish Odessa. But the highlight of one's setan website, it is impossible.
Free space dial motivational posters presented under the "Ministry of Truth" and guests from Moscow edition Seasons of Life magazine reported on its plans in Odessa. Do not forget about the organizers of charity: volunteer group "Time for Change" was selling things for the sole purpose to share. Much attention setan is paid to both kids: even held a master class on how to find a common language with your child and have fun together. This popular trend, as bookcrossing, was presented with a stand for the free exchange of books. Girls with Philomena Kloss settled in a corner setan fluffy happiness, surrounded by teddy bears.
But in film photographers ended quickly: had to change on the spot. And while spinning disc of all known groups of people even had time to try on clothes from comfortable pajamas to jeans Balcony Garments worship of foreign brands. By the way, the music also create the necessary mood: is often necessary to listen to high quality vinyls?
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dear in Christ, at this time is not easy in this country appeal to all the clergy and faithful of t

News Agency
No matter how imperfect was no agreement on resolving the crisis in Ukraine, the main goal is achieved. The situation in Ukraine began to stabilize, how to get your ex back and the threat of military intervention by Russia has practically disappeared. So says a former adviser to Putin, and now - a senior fellow at the Cato Institute Andrei Illarionov ... Views - 366 Comments - 2
In Ukraine in the past, not even days - hours, everything is changing rapidly, not kept up with the news. Do not have time to evaluate and analyze the same message as the next news cover thee, "Yanukovych fled in an unknown direction," how to get your ex back "Fisherman and Kalyetnik resigned", "" Mezhygorye "opened to journalists' ... Views - 578 Comments - 8
Words said the surgeon, who brought the boy with the big bloody wound and heavy bleeding. He said that it was a boy with eyes in which there was a mad desire to live. And he, as a doctor, he could not do anything for this, because the wound was fatal. how to get your ex back Views - 570 Comments how to get your ex back - 3
Media Ivano-Frankivsk region how to get your ex back spread information how to get your ex back that the soldiers of internal troops of the Ivano-Frankivsk military unit 1241, stationed outside Chernovola written reports on the release and return for Ivano-Frankivsk. Views - 850 Comments - 6
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For death can be only one punishment - death. The resignation of the Speaker, early presidential elections and the trial of Yanukovych. Otherwise everything parliament speak. It is necessary to temporarily restore the death penalty and publicly how to get your ex back punish those responsible for the murder of innocent people. Views - 233 Comments - 2
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Wealth opposing ideals, but do not oppose them. Riches are attracted to the ideals of how negatively and positively charged pole magnets. Rich in families that carry the mission and full of meaning. USA - missionary nation, and therefore the richest in the world. Germans - mysterious nation, and therefore the richest in Europe. Views - 352 Comments - 2 All Blogs
At the birth of their first child young parents do not always know what they should expect. But when Hope was born Juarez confused not only a woman in labor with her husband, but also doctors. Views - 1733 Comments - 0
Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. Many people like to listen to the mystical stories of how people travel in time. But how to understand it is fiction or reality? What facts can confirm that the person is able to travel through time? Views - 945 Comments - 0
Dear in Christ, at this time is not easy in this country appeal to all the clergy and faithful of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archdiocese of another messenger call to prayer and fasting for the intentions of a peaceful solution to the conflict situation in the country. Views - 236 Comments - 0
With alarming heart Watch for what is happening these days in Kiev. I assure Ukrainian people in their spiritual closeness and pray for the victims of violence, their families and wounded. Views - 201 Comments - 0
Do not use God and the people to defend themselves in a difficult time, and always choose the way of presenting themselves to the Lord called Pope Francis during a sermon, delivered in the chapel of the residence of the "House of St. Martha." Views - 653 Comments - 1
Today, February 19, President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said that as a result of force against protesters in Kiev, the Ukrainian government has lost almost all of its legitimacy. Views - 238 Comments - 0
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During the previous Ukrainian revolution, or as it is called, "orange", pobralosya many couples. They were created during the revolutionary battles, young people find each other-in the literal how to get your ex back sense of the word, "outside". Views - 750 Comments - 0

Have you ever wondered how many people are right now at the moment are in the way? What travelers a

Travelers without a return ticket | Inspired
Have you ever wondered how many people are right now at the moment are in the way? What travelers and vagabonds hypnotize lounges across the expanses of land without return tickets and a certain route? Somewhere in India, hypnotize Canada, in the mountains of Argentina, in the Sahara Desert, right on the next street? Have you speculated about what they put on the road? Why do they travel, what is the purpose of their seemingly aimless wandering?
Linda and further Latyshko and Lithuanian, hypnotize Baltic, two girls, I met them last year in Vilnius. In the summer they have completed their university in September hit the road. Two months and 5,000 kilometers of good they were in Odessa, visited me. I could detail everything they ask. Geography and Sociology
Next: From the end of September we travel hitchhiking through Europe. Home waybill idea - cards. We Hitchhiking postman hypnotize and anyone can pass through our letter, souvenir messages, your friends a gift, by which we can pass. We will do our best to find a parcel of its recipients. And in many ways geography determines the line cards of our trip. We now have 95 cards.
Postcard, the message becomes our compass that points the next town and so sotsializatorom - we are introduced to the recipient, often with them and stay the night. So friends of friends become our friends. For us, this is the first experience of its kind - a trip without a final date, without time restrictions.
Linda: For me the main motivation from the beginning - to visit friends. I realized one day that simply must visit and meet and just to see with my many friends from other countries. When to do it, if not now? And look how the world works - and like a good target. In general, I think that the global hypnotize sense of adventure, we learn at the very end, when back home. I do not even understand and feel what it is wrong with us.
Next: The original plan - Lithuania-Europe-Western Balkans to Portugal. That program was mandatory in the Balkan countries and the Atlantic coast, the ocean. hypnotize Then came Italy and Greece after the Balkan countries, Ukraine and here, quite suddenly)). Next, Budapest, Austria, southern Germany, Mediterranean coast of France and Spain. We'll see.
Well, as for me, this is not just a trip, it entails the international socio-cultural project! But such a wide and long-term plan probably includes hypnotize a lot of associated conditions, obstacles and challenges that need to be addressed, "rozrulyuvaty" win. Timeframe, cost, traffic troubles. Tell.
Next: At the time we currently do not are limited. In the beginning I had hoped to get home for Christmas, that meet in three months. But during all thoughts of returning weathered and now we definitely celebrate the New Year on the road. Wow!
Main Page expenses - meals and entertainment. Basically, of course, trying to save. Come to the rescue again good people - lunch treat drivers, caring parents of friends organize a family dinner on the occasion of our visit.
Next: But that financial constraints we try as far as possible hypnotize removed. The method is elementary hypnotize - search undermining the road. Here in Switzerland, which will be arriving next week, we're going to work nurses, babysitters. And for example, in Greece we picked up the driver, who was the owner of Olive Garden, which just started the harvest season. We just poprosylysya to work and he did not refuse. So we filled up their financial reserves, a few days picking olives in the small village of Nafpaktos.
Linda: Almost all the time)). Emotional fatigue - sometimes internal drive impressions just full, but it is)). And a big race when several days pass by 500-600 km, tire. Therefore, the way we organize ourselves to rest 2-3 days in one city. The main condition to maintain the desired mood - do not cease to feel gratitude towards those who show us kindness and attention. Do not take our road reality as a matter of course, because this trip only partly created by us and in many ways - those who help us.
Next: Actually it was not a spontaneous action. All last year I reflected on the idea of the great journey. Here a convenient hypnotize time - graduation. Mom's response was a knowing. My main argument - "Do not you be at my age did not use the chance when everything hypnotize is and do not interfere in the way to go?" Mom's positive response has given the green light to start the trip.
Linda: My mother is very hipovskyh views, so no discussions have arisen - "Do what you think is necessary" - my mother's parting words to the track. But before we packed along my backpack, so complete understanding. Materials and Methods
Next: Yes, but we were lucky enough to cross. We met in a freely

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Scientists say - a world that is better suited to life than Earth. When searching for new planets t

News Agency
Media Ivano-Frankivsk region spread information that the soldiers of internal troops of the Ivano-Frankivsk military unit 1241, stationed outside Chernovola written Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) reports on the release and return for Ivano-Frankivsk. Views - 680 Comments - 6
Of course, the story does not know the duration of such a thing as an empty space, nichohist. On the duration of a single fragment can not be removed, even very painful or shameful. And after all these crappy pieces also included in chronicling the history of continuous positive for invaluable experience. Views - 895 Comments - 2
"Some pidsmiyuyetsya of the People's Council, which supposedly Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) is another" new "controlling authority. We are not" new "controlling authority, we will -" different "controlling authority." Views - 2490 Comments - 28
In approving the city's budget in 2014 in Ivano-Frankivsk MPs once again the feeling of deja vu. Treasury Ivano-Frankivsk again not fully provided funds for delegated state powers (in education, health, Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) culture, physical education and local government). Views - 527 Comments - 1
People around the world celebrate the February 14 Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. It is believed that this festival has been celebrated for more than 16 centuries. The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to pagan culture, as ancient as the feast of lovers in honor of the goddess of love. Views - 1082 Comments - 0
Recently held in Lublin Ukrainian-Polish meeting at which visited Western Ukraine mayors and their deputies from the partner cities of Lublin. Namely, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne and Lutsk. The round table was devoted to "European issue" of Ukraine. Views - 864 Comments - 4
For death can be only one punishment - death. The resignation of the Speaker, early presidential elections and the trial of Yanukovych. Otherwise everything parliament speak. It is necessary to temporarily restore Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) the death penalty and publicly punish those responsible for the murder of innocent Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) people. Views - 138 Comments - 0
He has the appeal of the leader of that force will disperse Square. Not vtoropayu if beteery and shooting of firearms is m "is power - power which then disperse the square. Atomic bomb? Views - 382 Comments - 1
Wealth opposing ideals, but do not oppose them. Riches are attracted to the ideals of how negatively and positively charged pole magnets. Rich in families that carry the mission and full of meaning. USA - missionary nation, and therefore the richest in the world. Germans Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) - mysterious nation, and therefore the richest in Europe. Views - 323 Comments - 2 All Blogs
At the birth of their first child young parents do not always know what they should expect. But when Hope was born Juarez confused not only a woman in labor with her husband, but also doctors. Views - 1626 Comments - 0
Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. Many people like to listen to the mystical stories of how people travel in time. But how to understand it is fiction or reality? Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) What facts can confirm that the person is able to travel through time? Views - 878 Comments - 0
Dear in Christ, at this time is not easy in this country appeal to all the clergy and faithful of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archdiocese of another Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) messenger call to prayer and fasting for the intentions of a peaceful solution to the conflict situation in the country. Views - 216 Comments - 0
With alarming heart Watch for what is happening these days in Kiev. I assure Ukrainian people in their spiritual closeness and pray for the victims Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) of violence, their families and wounded. Views - 186 Comments - 0
Do not use God and the people to defend Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) themselves Fri Dec 21 2012 01:00:00 GMT+0700 (NOVT) in a difficult time, and always choose the way of presenting themselves to the Lord called Pope Francis during a sermon, delivered in the chapel of the residence of the "House of St. Martha." Views - 609 Comments - 1
Today, February 19, President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said that as a result of force against protesters in Kiev, the Ukrainian government has lost almost all of its legitimacy. Views - 223 Comments - 0
Scientists say - a world that is better suited to life than Earth. When searching for new planets that would be suitable for human life, astronomers seeking the most similar to Earth. Views - 557 Comments - 0
During the previous Ukrainian revolution, or as it is called, "orange", pobralosya many couples. They were created during the revolutionary battles, young people find each other-in the literal sense of the word, "outside". Views - 696 Comments - 0

Wealth opposing ideals, but do not oppose them. Riches are attracted to the ideals of how negativel

News Agency
Media Ivano-Frankivsk region spread information that the soldiers of internal troops of the Ivano-Frankivsk military unit 1241, stationed outside Chernovola written reports on the release and return for Ivano-Frankivsk. Views - 563 Comments - 4
Of course, the story does not know the duration of such a thing as an empty space, nichohist. On the duration of a single fragment can not be removed, even very painful or shameful. And after all these crappy pieces also included in chronicling segitiga bermuda the history of continuous positive for invaluable experience. Views - 833 Comments - 2
"Some pidsmiyuyetsya of the People's Council, which supposedly is another" new "controlling authority. We are not" new "controlling authority, we will -" different "controlling authority." Views - 2392 Comments - 27
In approving the city's budget in 2014 in Ivano-Frankivsk MPs once again the feeling of deja vu. Treasury Ivano-Frankivsk again not fully provided funds for delegated state powers (in education, health, culture, physical education and local government). Views - 500 Comments - 1
People around the world celebrate the February 14 Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. It is believed that this festival has been celebrated for more than 16 centuries. The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to pagan culture, as ancient as the feast of lovers in honor of the goddess of love. Views - 1053 Comments - 0
Recently held in Lublin Ukrainian-Polish meeting at which visited Western Ukraine segitiga bermuda mayors segitiga bermuda and their deputies from the partner cities of Lublin. Namely, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne and Lutsk. The round table was devoted to "European issue" of Ukraine. Views - 811 Comments - 4
For death can be only one punishment - death. The resignation of the Speaker, early presidential elections segitiga bermuda and the trial of Yanukovych. Otherwise everything parliament speak. It is necessary to temporarily restore the death penalty and publicly punish those responsible for the murder of innocent people. Views - 107 Comments - 0
He has the appeal of the leader of that force will disperse Square. Not vtoropayu if beteery and shooting of firearms is m "is power - power which then disperse the square. Atomic bomb? Views - 305 Comments - 1
Wealth opposing ideals, but do not oppose them. Riches are attracted to the ideals of how negatively and positively charged pole magnets. Rich in families that carry the mission and full of meaning. segitiga bermuda USA - missionary nation, and therefore the richest in the world. Germans - mysterious nation, and therefore segitiga bermuda the richest in Europe. Views - 306 Comments - 2 All Blogs
At the birth of their first child young parents do not always know what they should expect. But when Hope was born Juarez confused not only a woman in labor with her husband, but also doctors. Views - 1548 Comments - 0
Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. Many people like to listen to the mystical stories of how people travel in time. But how to understand it is fiction or reality? segitiga bermuda What facts can confirm that the person is able to travel through time? Views - 849 Comments - 0
Dear in Christ, segitiga bermuda at this time is not easy in this country appeal segitiga bermuda to all the clergy and faithful of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archdiocese of another messenger call to prayer segitiga bermuda and fasting for the intentions of a peaceful solution to the conflict situation in the country. Views - 199 Comments - 0
With alarming heart Watch for what is happening these days in Kiev. I assure Ukrainian people in their spiritual closeness and pray for the victims of violence, their families and wounded. Views - 169 Comments - 0
Do not use God and the people to defend themselves in a difficult time, and always choose the way of presenting themselves to the Lord called segitiga bermuda Pope Francis during a sermon, delivered in the chapel of the residence of the "House of St. Martha." Views - 586 Comments - 1
Today, February segitiga bermuda 19, President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said that as a result of force against protesters in Kiev, the Ukrainian government has lost almost all of its legitimacy. Views - 205 Comments - 0
Scientists say - a world that is better suited to life than Earth. When searching for new planets segitiga bermuda that would be suitable for human life, astronomers seeking the most similar to Earth. Views - 533 Comments - 0
During the previous segitiga bermuda Ukrainian revolution, or as it is called, "orange", pobralosya many couples. They were created during the revolutionary segitiga bermuda battles, young people find each other-in the literal segitiga bermuda sense of the word, "outside". Views - 667 Comments - 0

Friday, February 21, 2014

From the home of tea drinking in public organizations - have passed this way three graduates of the

Read more Oksana Levkova: "The revolution - a consequence of evolution Guido Beltran: Why the Swiss can learn in Ukrainian? Training in eco-business Accountant NGOs in the environmental fund "Old Volyn ': Helping communities to find" their face "
From the home of tea drinking in public organizations - have passed this way three graduates of the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Natalia, Helen and Les. As they did with the band shared Natalia Hozak - ecologist by profession, one of the founders Ecoclub "Green Wave" in the traditional PR O PO well. Edge: Natalie, how did the idea of creating Ecoclub? - After graduating from college, I went to the labor market. Then I clearly understood: I lack practical skills. Therefore, love horoscopes in 2006, a year after the release of mahisterky me, my classmate Helen and Les, from the lower division, engaged in the creation of an organization that had a specific purpose: to provide students with environmental NaUKMA opportunity to get professional experience on the implementation of environmental projects already in the university. Originally we were going home for a cup of tea, discussing consulted, created organization structure, charter and more. Les was the first chairman and "process has begun ..." Edge: How are you organized your team? - The principle work with interested and already motivated. Ecoclub - is, above all, a community that brings together people with common interests - caring love horoscopes nature that are happy to spend time together. Today the organization has in its structure a registered non-governmental organization - we call it "adult", where graduates of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the founders are working on the implementation of environmental projects financed by international funds. Also have a student organization that annually love horoscopes elects new chairman. Students are directly involved in the implementation of "training" small initiatives at the university level - for example, of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in separate waste collection, green Cinema display themed movies, caring for flower beds, Botanical Museum and more. Edge: How do you understand the concept of "ecological culture"? love horoscopes - Ecological culture love horoscopes for me - it's intrinsic motivation to lead a life that is less harmful to nature as possible. This is something that can and should shape youth. Edge: Do you have any sponsors, partner love horoscopes organizations? - Student organization collects dues to cover tea, biscuits, poster printing and similar expenses. For projects of social organization are looking for sponsors - we are supported by various international funds. Edge: And what was the first project Ecoclub? - Our first project - a photo exhibition to mark the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster "Life goes on." The photo was shown a life that is now raging in the Chernobyl zone. Make the first project helped love horoscopes all - friends, relatives, classmates. Edge: What are the challenges in your work had to face? - Of course, there were misunderstandings, including the administration of the University. But when our meetings started love horoscopes coming students who were actively involved in practical required university events, it became clear that our activities are worthwhile and rewarding.
- In general, yes. For example, four or five years ago, we have been advised and spread the idea of "green office" among business organizations helping make the office more environmentally friendly. love horoscopes And today the most socially responsible organizations adhere to at least part of the rules of "green office", for them this is not news - and I see progress. Separate collection of waste also became more familiar and understandable. Current Topic last one or two years, to which we now turn often - a collection and recycling of batteries and other customary in household hazardous waste. Therefore, in my opinion, there are positive trends.
- Re-art - is a creative way to reuse things. We try to show people love horoscopes how to use old things - do workshops like "Give the old things new life." Much cheaper and healthier to buy less unnecessary things - that we save their money and natural resources. This is beneficial, but not our economy that is constantly trying to "impose" unnecessary product we sell and more. Therefore, in a nice creative atmosphere we occasionally going to paint the old cups, decorate Decoupage old boxes and pots or paint ekotorby.
- Already temperature rose by 0.8 degrees, and the changes in nature are visible. If it rises by more than 1.5 degrees, the changes become irreversible in nature, and at 4 degrees - perhaps love horoscopes a critical parameter for mankind. So right now you and I have to reduce you

Thursday, February 20, 2014

America taught her that drawer in the school corridors open is not as easy as it is shown in the fi

How To: How to navigate their way to America | Inspired
What do you think of when you hear the word "America"? It can be an endless party life "like in the movies," fast food, big money ... And, perhaps, most would agree that it is a country of enormous proportions ehowa and unlimited possibilities. Of course, ehowa not everyone wants to move there permanently, but why not see with your eyes, live on as "one of the five continents, which is based on a cowboy?" This - our new section How To.
Fortunately, opportunities for such travel a lot, but with a passionate desire to go abroad there are fears, objections, ehowa arguments "against". Therefore, the stories of people who are not afraid to say to yourself "I can", collected bags and boarded a plane, especially inspiring. It is known that the first step - the hardest. So how to do it?
FLEX (Future Leaders ehowa Exchange Program) - Exchange Program, which provides pupils aged 15 to 17 years the opportunity to live in a family and study at the secondary school of the United States for one year. But that same "fleksivtsi" ehowa talks about his journey.
Marina ehowa Kasko - from Odessa, who in 2010 became the finalist ehowa of the exchange program and spent a year overseas. She is now enrolled in the first year of the Krakow Academy. Fritsch Modzhevskoho Andrzej (Poland) in International Business - all classes are taught in English. Not a bad motivation to improve their own foreign, is not it?
When asked "Would you go back again?" Marina confidently replied that live in America could not have had, although not to visit the United States soon. But this understanding comes later. First, anyone who wants to try something, ehowa you have to pass a written test with a little English on the first step and make listening and writing part - on the second. Participants receive a third round of questionnaires ehowa to complete which provided two weeks. After meetings with American Councils, all participants wrote two small pieces in English. Every schoolboy conducted individual interviews in English and their native languages as well as they take part in the groups consisting of 5-8 students.
At the final stage of selection FLEX exchange program participants in the third round of the documents sent to Washington for the International Independent Commission. Only after all the stages passed, the future "fleksivets" waiting for the call to hear the long-awaited "Are you going to America." Here are the main things that Marina has taught independent life abroad.
- Rely only on themselves;
Another finalist FLEX, Victoria Melnychuk, came to the United States by accident. In the qualifying round in Kiev she went alone to test knowledge of English, and suddenly - the final victory, and after a few months, Vick was sitting in a yellow bus, cart it to the new American schools.
America taught her that drawer in the school corridors open is not as easy as it is shown in the film, and to return ehowa to the city where she lived for one year, Victoria is going. But noted that in the States there are a lot of places where it had not yet visited. Life experience - that's one of the things for which it's worth a try myself, but a lot of new friends and brilliant memories also remain in you.
Another way to travel from Ukraine - to take advantage of opportunities provided by Work and Travel USA. This international cultural exchange program that allows students from around the world to go on a summer vacation to the U.S., working and relaxing.
The founder of the program, but also its chief warden is Congress annually determines the required number of students eligible to participate ehowa in the program Work and Travel USA. To participate in the Work and Travel, Ukrainian each candidate must meet the following requirements:
It did just that Karen Maki, whose purpose ehowa was to travel to New York - her childhood ehowa dream. Kareena no regrets that participated ehowa in this program. According to the girl, America teaches first, openness and friendliness. "America has shown that perfectly normal to say something nice to a stranger, or just say hello."
Secondly, this is where you realize that help - not ashamed. When people see that you are standing at the map of the subway, they come and ask whether or not they need help. And, perhaps most important - it teaches independence. Now Karen graduated from University and works in the Ukrainian representative office of U.S. logistics company.
So it is not necessary to go to America fully trained, adult and serious, as the youth travel drive always full, vivid emotions and unexpected improvisations, and this is their uniqueness. Look for a path to your dreams, and be sure - you will succeed. Good luck!

ehowa Google Inspired TED Earth Karpaty ehowa Lviv Kyiv Maidan Books Bridges M

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. Many people like to listen to the mystica

News Agency
"Some pidsmiyuyetsya of the People's Council, which supposedly crazyshit is another" new "controlling authority. We are not" new "controlling authority, we will -" different "controlling authority." Views - 1630 Comments - 23
In approving the city's budget in 2014 in Ivano-Frankivsk MPs once again the feeling of deja vu. Treasury Ivano-Frankivsk again not fully provided funds for delegated state powers (in education, health, culture, physical education and local government). Views - 345 Comments - 0
People around the world celebrate the February 14 Valentine's crazyshit Day or Valentine's Day. It is believed that this festival has been celebrated for more than 16 centuries. The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to pagan culture, as ancient as the feast of lovers in honor of the goddess of love. Views - 882 Comments - 0
Recently held in Lublin Ukrainian-Polish meeting at which visited Western Ukraine mayors and their deputies from the partner cities of Lublin. Namely, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne and Lutsk. The round table was devoted to "European issue" of Ukraine. Views - 608 Comments - 4
Right Sector in Ivano-Frankivsk has obviyanyy various rumors that if there are very young, sometimes very small boys who observed boorish behavior and sometimes inappropriate behavior. In fact it does not. It organized groups, which in the case if need be willing to put their lives for the future of Ukraine. Views - 1726 Comments - 21
Wealth opposing ideals, but do not oppose them. Riches are attracted to the ideals of how negatively and positively crazyshit charged pole magnets. Rich in families that carry the mission and full of meaning. USA - missionary nation, and therefore the richest in the world. Germans - mysterious nation, and therefore the richest in Europe. Views - 121 Comments crazyshit - 1
As we know, there are two sides to events in Ukraine. We decided to find out whether the people in the form of a negative to people who defend their policies in the main square of the country. Interview with a student MIA and photos from the other side of the barricades. Views - 237 Comments - 0
Separatists east and south by trying crazyshit anything to keep his influence and authority over its "nuclear" electoral "reserves", the threat of loss of ultimate power in the center. Views - 169 Comments - 1 All Blogs
At the birth of their first child young parents do not always know what they should expect. But when Hope was born Juarez confused not only a woman in labor with her husband, but also doctors. Views - 1011 Comments - 0
Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. Many people like to listen to the mystical stories of how people travel in time. But how to understand it is fiction or reality? What facts can confirm that the person is able to travel through time? Views - 718 Comments - 0
Do not use God and the people to defend themselves in a difficult time, and always choose the way of presenting themselves to the Lord called Pope Francis during a sermon, delivered in the chapel of the residence of the "House crazyshit of St. Martha." Views - 519 Comments - 1
Wrap prayers Ukraine, crazyshit including those who lost their lives in these days and their families. I wish that was developing a constructive dialogue between institutions and civil society, so that, excluding any use of forcible actions ... Views - 592 Comments - 0
Today the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine, which urged to start preparing sanctions against Ukrainian officials and immediate release of political prisoners. Views - 441 Comments - 0
Scientists crazyshit say - a world that is better suited to life than Earth. When searching for new planets that would be suitable for human life, astronomers seeking the most similar to Earth. Views - 451 Comments - 0
During the previous Ukrainian revolution, or as it is called, "orange", pobralosya many couples. crazyshit They were created during the revolutionary battles, young people crazyshit find each other-in the literal sense of the word, "outside". Views - 547 Comments - 0

Money - The authors focus of the film is Akim Galimov, Producer - Natalie Yakymovych sensitive and

Home Ukraine Politics Economics Society Crime World Traditions USA Canada Europe Russia Asia Latin America Africa Diaspora Canada USA Russia Europe World UWC Interviews culturally gossip Spirituality Cinema Regional studies History How was figure Date Event Achievements Sports Football Basketball Boxing sensitive Tennis Other Science Technologies Automotive Space Inventions Contacts
August 26, the premiere sensitive of the documentary domestic production channel 1 +1 "Woman ATM." The channel decided to bring attention to the current problems of Ukrainian women who have to support his family, while thousands of miles away from home. The film tells about the relationship sensitive between fathers and children who are experiencing a forced separation.
Money - The authors focus of the film is Akim Galimov, Producer - Natalie Yakymovych sensitive and director - Anna Yarovenko. Creators bands interested sensitive in the fate of Ukrainians who moved to Italy to work and left in the Ukraine of their children. Each of the heroines tells her prompting to go make money and how it communicates with your family. As the author of the tape, her heroines production did not pay for filming sensitive - it was one of the principles of the founders of the project. sensitive Heroes scene looking through non-governmental organizations, Internet journalists in Italy and in western Ukraine, even personal acquaintances. sensitive According to Akim Galimov, the hardest thing was not to find heroes and talk to them, "The hardest thing in the shooting was arranged so that the people said. First of all, this is due to the new law, according to which the remittances of migrant workers are taxed. It is clear that after such "innovations" people do not like to talk about this subject and not told how much money is earned. In addition, the isolation sensitive zarobitchanok played a role and social factors. It's hard to say that you're sensitive here myyesh floors, or else carry out some low-specialized work. "
In Italy and Ukraine Filming took place in parallel: crew observed the lives of women in Italy and their children in Ukraine. "Usually all these women going abroad to earn for their children. sensitive Over time, children are no longer perceive them as parents and begin to be treated consumer, just as people who have money to give them, "- says the problem raised in the film strip by Akim Galimov. In fact, according to the authors, it is - the first documentary, which thoroughly investigated the social aspect of working abroad. According to official figures of the Italian statistics, according to the latest file organization "Caritas / Migrantes" Ukrainian - the fifth community, numbering 174 million people. 2009 in Ukraine was first conducted a study of the migration phenomenon and concluded that in Italy is between 400 and 600 thousand Ukrainian. The problem lies in the fact that the vast majority of migrants - is illegal. "My mother also had to work in Italy. At that time I was a student and lived in another city, but for her it was a very big test and a difficult experience does not pass unnoticed. At some point we children told her that is enough. And she came back. After all, to become a "woman ATM" sensitive does not necessarily have to leave. So you can call and successful businesswoman who from morning to night for missing work. They - the same motivation as our heroines: a good school for a child health insurance, tennis and more. In fact, work on the film made me wonder whether I set our priorities in life, how much time and attention I spend on the job, and how much - the son and his personal sensitive interests? Conclusion I was not amused ... "- sensitive says the film producer Natalka Yakymovych.
"I can not embrace you ..." protagonists documentary were women from Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv. They raise children without men, only one person is living in their home in Ukraine and waiting for the wife call him to her. In order for children can learn and have expensive items in order to make repairs to the home, these women decide to go to Italy. There are clean accommodation, care for the elderly. "Senior - known in Italy professor. Now he is 90 years old. I wash it, feed, communicate with him from morning till evening. For this I have 250 euros a month, "- says one of the heroines of the film Tatiana. Her mentee, thin man, may not lie in bed - Tatiana unbend his legs. Meanwhile, in Ukraine sensitive 11-year-old sensitive boy rushing to the library sensitive in order to talk on Skype with her mother, who works as a cleaner in Naples. The middle of the day, but my mother does not appear on the network. "Come in the evening, do not worry" - pats the boy on the shoulder librarian. But this time his mother Galina is at work. And then she shared with a neighbor in the apartment feelings: "He grieves. I told him: you shall see me on the computer. sensitive And he said: and I can not hug you on the computer

Monday, February 17, 2014

Never lazy to read the remark and Salinger. Among the favorites for this year -

Inspired People: Mark Livigno, content director of the agency SoHo | Inspired
Today we have a guest - Mark Livigno, who recently became director of content SoHo agencies, and free time is dedicated literature: not in words but in practice - printing has got two of his books. With Mark, we talked satanism about why he started an advertising and learned how to publish your own book.
In the agency I got, when he won in the category "Naytsynichnishyy cover letter." SoHo - known advertising agency, which daily receives dozens of letters with resume. satanism I knew about it, so came up creative: added a summary unusual accompanying text. Through him and called me for an interview.
Advertising I like its versatility. Working in this field, I do not open every day something new: Products and Services. Comprehensive development - is one of the most rewarding side spheres digital.
Usually turn to us for comprehensive online strategy. We develop and implement them in practice. Each strategy consists of many components: analyst target audience and competitive field, the selection of channels, creation tools (websites, apps, tabs, landing pages, banners, etc.), media planning, content production for all channels, moderation satanism and all that. Each component is equally important. If a settling one thing - bad work all strategy, and vice versa.
In SoHo I am responsible for the content. All the more filled sites, profiles, groups and blogs customer comes into my department and passes through me. At first glance we write, post, communicate with the audience, moderated and do the rest of what constitutes life social networks. And in fact, we solve a specific task that confronts satanism us client: supply brand audiences, convey her message of the brand, its values, and, of course, study and analyze.
I already have two published books and a prose audiozbirka of 10 tracks. For his first novel "The Life and other chemicals" I got a "Torch" in 2012. Since then, it began to move rapidly. Internet and social media have helped to get up to speed and gain popularity among readers. Literature has become a kind of hobby which brings into my life very warm and bright satanism emotions.
I often hear the question satanism in the social networks that young need to do in order to get noticed. This is a property readership. When the number of such questions become popular, I thought over what should be a presentation of a communication platform between the author and the reader. The study, satanism analysis and writing of this presentation took me a little over a week. The first time I read it to students in Ivano-Frankivsk, the project G5 . Since then, I try to help anyone who turns to me with similar themes.
I often reflect on my writer's purpose. Honestly, a definite answer yet difficult to voice. satanism As and name the main motivation of why I write books. Currently, this is what I do best. If ever there will be things in life that I will do better than writing text - I'm sure they zaymatymusya. But today everything is as is, and I this happy.
My first book "The Life and other industries" published by Prostobook . Next was her second release in the young publisher 49books. Currently re-released third novel, because of wanting to read it is not decreasing.
Speaking of "online", I have a personal author satanism blog, where there are 7,000 readers who actively engage with content. I also postiynoi develop their own accounts on social networks. They also help me to communicate satanism creative readers.
Never lazy to read the remark and Salinger. Among the favorites for this year - "Women" by Charles Bukowski. I read as much poetry. satanism Discovered the work of Andrei satanism beloved one. In the spring we had several joint activities - evening satanism "Fear. Women. Success "with Lyubko Deresh and reading at the Festival" Kyiv Lavra. "
Yet now read more books professional area. Usually I think that these books - it's more a necessity than a pleasure. Yes, I have the opposite is. When really love what you doing, then delight associated with this things and circumstances.
It all depends on what the goals set a man. In any case, I would recommend reading a good recognized literature - whether classic or something from the field in which you work. Now divorced many advertised, but completely useless reading material, which leads to the opposite effect: instead of a person assumes the false paradigm of the authors and therefore remains on the same label as before. satanism So before you start reading something better tenfold see if it's worth it.
Perhaps surprisingly sound, but I have my "personal" list of books that I will NEVER advise. They are all very personal, and when the kotrus of them say a second "read", then they cease to be "better" satanism and spaces

The main objectives vudu of the contest: the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the focus on youth re

Read alkaline Competition for shkolyarіv "Tvіy Krok to bezpechnogo Internet vudu access Project for organіzatsіy MIST Krim "agent mіskih peretvoren Maisternia Medіakritiki on Studentskomu medіasimpozіumі vudu ogoloshuє Priya robіt Studentsky medіasimpozіum ogoloshuє Priya molodіzhnih online proektіv Mіzhnarodna programa studentskogo obmіnu
Within vudu the project "Love vudu + Planning = Kids welcome!" Which is the 2nd year implemented a charitable foundation "Light of the Heart" in the Luhansk region vudu announced a poster competition among secondary and vocational educational institutions and faculties and Lugansk region. This contest is held with the financial support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Women's Health of Ukraine" and assistance of the Office of Youth and Sports Lugansk Regional State Administration. The competition is conducted among youth 14 to 25 years education campaign regarding reproductive health and the role of modern contraceptives for family planning.
The main objectives vudu of the contest: the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the focus on youth reproductive health, modern contraceptive methods, and the importance of promotion of a culture of family planning, motivation of young people to change attitudes towards the issue of contraception, vudu the formation of her caring attitude towards their health.
The competition invited students in the upper grades of secondary schools, students of vocational schools, faculties, students and Lugansk region.
2 submitted to the contest photo posters electronically (one poster photo, second photo - with a poster contest participants) and participant's entry. E-mail contest: Work can be done in Russian, Ukrainian, English and German.
Results vudu of the competition - January 19, 2014. The winners will be awarded with certificates and prizes, all participants will receive certificates of appreciation for their participation in the competition.
In the previous competition project "Love + Planning = Kids welcome!" Which was held in the Luhansk region in April 2013, was attended vudu by about 200 participants. I. a shared space between the art department of the college students of Lugansk vudu State Academy of Culture and Arts, students Stakhanov engineering college students and 11 high school class Novopskovsk.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Google Inspired TED Earth Karpaty Lviv Kyiv Books Bridges Square New York City Skyscrapers Ukraine

15 motivational tips from students at Harvard | Inspired
Laziness, lack of faith in their own abilities and lack of motivation - one of the main challenges faced by today's young people. And not only in Ukraine - these problems, though somewhat smaller scale, possibly distributed and abroad. Community Harvard students ezo made a list of motivational tips that are designed to address this and inspire change in their own lives.
Even more motivation to stream Tips
Maps of Ukraine through the eyes of its people
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

In order for the project to be successful, sustainable, good for the ecology and economic status of

In their recent publication, I wrote about the problems of pollution. The sanitary situation is worsening in most regional cities and villages: continue to emerge chinese horoscope 2013 new natural landfills. Today the problem of solid waste (MSW) is a priority for many administrative units in Ukraine. If Tulchyn district of Vinnitsa region (population about 55,000), it requires an immediate solution because the existing landfill is almost exhausted its potential and filled to 99 percent.
This landfill is located at a distance of one kilometer from the town of Tulchin, annually exported more than 30 thousand cubic meters. waste. It entered into force in 1990 with the calculated lifetime of 20 years. Today it is overloaded stored unsorted waste and disposal. In addition, the access road to the landfill are in poor condition.
To solve the problem chinese horoscope 2013 of overloading the landfill and the ever-growing amount chinese horoscope 2013 of waste in the area Tulchyn implement inter-project chinese horoscope 2013 with the introduction of an integrated approach to the management of solid waste. The project is realized with the support of the Swiss-Ukrainian project "Decentralization Support in Ukraine" and the UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development." Funded by the Swiss Confederation.
The project conducted a sociological survey in the targeted communities. According to the survey, 99% of respondents believe that dumps a negative impact on the environment and pointed out all the factors of influence. About 50% of residents chinese horoscope 2013 rise buildings and 90% of the residents of the private chinese horoscope 2013 sector willing to sort garbage at home, provided that yard stand specially equipped containers.
In order for the project to be successful, sustainable, good for the ecology and economic status of the area, apply an incremental process planning integrated solid waste management in Tulchin area at all stages involve the residents of the area. The use of an integrated approach means that decisions are made by the Steering Committee and working group step by step, taking into account the positions of all partners and important aspects. chinese horoscope 2013 To date technically prepared Identify Alternative chinese horoscope 2013 integrated management of solid waste in Tulchin region that will form the basis for the District Solid Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan and its implementation. It is expected that the project will solve the problem of waste in the region, improve environmental conditions and propose a model that can be used in other regions of Ukraine.
In March, in the framework of the inter-municipal project launched an information campaign to target communities "Less waste - Better Life". Its goal - to change the behavior of the usual household residents in favor of a more rational use of resources and reduction of waste through its separate collection.
Campaign stages focus attention chinese horoscope 2013 on people such ideas as a waiver of disposable chinese horoscope 2013 plastic packaging, reuse things, processing of raw materials, the need for compaction and garbage collection, composting and organic inshi.U chinese horoscope 2013 part of the campaign will be conducted informational meetings motivation for responsible waste management by participation of the government and local authorities, trade networks, socially responsible business and community. chinese horoscope 2013 To impart skills to schoolchildren efficient handling of waste their teachers are invited to conduct seminars on methods of teaching and educated work on "waste" in the course "Lessons for sustainable development." These classes are offered to introduce in all schools of the district. Also covered area will be installed themed billboards, motivational posters, articles chinese horoscope 2013 appear in the media and video scenes on television.
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Propaganda: clothing store in Coloma

Rough motivational wallpaper from Inspired | Inspired
As you know, the Inspired never be negative and evil - our project adheres to the principles of special publications, so you can be sure that you will find only positive content. However, for several times our readers wrote that we are too "vanilla" flash mob :) To dispel doubts and to add a little flash mob zest to our tape, we decided to publish some motivational wallpaper brutal nature.
Propaganda: clothing store in Coloma
ne ne, plagiarism is not, because flash mob there Vork Beach last summer :) but draw it all happened just now shpalerky

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

One of the missions of the new toy GTA V is to kill twin founder of Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg. The

One of the missions of the new toy GTA V is to kill twin founder of Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg. The creators of the game are not satisfied that entered into allusion story on CNN ("CNT"), NASDAQ ("BAWSAQ") and Craigslist ("Craplist"): in GTA V was the company Lifeinvader, which can recognize Facebook.
The game is a mission in which you need to kill the Director General Lifeinvader, similar to Mark Zuckerberg, says the magazine The Kernel. To enter the territory of the company, the player must turn your character to the programmer, the dress code includes a vest, shorts and flip-flops. Inside his office waiting room with parodies of motivational posters that are really hanging in the office of Facebook. Killer pseudo Zuckerberg has set the bomb in the prototype of a new smartphone, head to head Lifeinvader exploded right in the presentation. As previously reported, the toy GTA V brought their creators $ 800 million in the first 24 hours. GTA V sold out rapidly. Remember that GTA V could take us to hire, contact us here!
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To develop self-centered hobbies (reading, allowing to be in the spotlight to showcase their succes

Today, while new information technologies, where students acquire ezo computer before starting to speak, teachers practicing Methodists are increasingly paying attention to the decline of interest in books and reading ezo in the children's environment ezo and this situation significantly affects the process ezo of targeting children in values the world.
Lyrics. Poetry - a special category of literature in the school course, teach figurative sense the word and get emotional ezo passion - not an easy task to work with today's teenagers. What determines the relevance of our study.
Analyzing the work of trainers, who studied and exploring issues of readers' interests were established: 1) the types of reading skills, 2) skilled reader group skills, 3) factors influencing the reading skills.
In teaching science, there are different approaches to definitions of reading interests. Distributing opinions of leading experts, ezo we are more inclined to the first definition that reader interest - a form of expression of cognitive needs (read on to know) that leads to the conscious activity of a select number of books which the reader prefers over others because they feel they special needs.
In order to achieve the successful development of the reader's interest in the students, it is important during the learning process to consider the age characteristics of seventh graders. Also need to consider the impact of the physical and psychological development of the adolescent in his mind, and especially the social development of adolescents. The age-old approach to the development of interest in reading and the reader's interest as such, provides not only take into account those features that clearly appear at this stage of age, but the reliance on those features that are not yet fully appeared at this stage of development, but that the future belongs .
The analysis of scientific publications in psychology has allowed ezo to determine the interest in adolescence ezo is dynamic in nature and subject to change and restructuring. ezo It was found that for adolescents characterized by different hobbies, among which we identified 6 main types: body-manipulative, intellectual, aesthetic, storage, information and communication, gambling, self-centered. (Classification A. Lichko).
To solve research problems, we turned to the analysis of regulations school literature course, program ezo requirements and contents of textbooks examined guidelines for teachers and concluded that in a creative combination of classical and rethinking of tasks proposed in the textbook, and non-traditional types of work offering of teacher guides, you can create a system of working with readers' interests seventh graders.
The study analyzed the status of the work of readers' interests in school practice and identified the challenges facing teachers and students in grade 7 dealing with a literary text. (Contents experiment included observation of classroom teaching Ukrainian language and literature and educational activities of students Sevastopol seventh grade school I-III stages 37 of the Russian and Ukrainian languages learning Sevastopol city council. Moreover conducted ezo surveys and interviews with teachers, ezo philologists and students of schools 37 and 38);
Another objective of the study was to develop and experimentally test system development work Readers interested in lessons seventh graders Ukrainian literature lesson on "Creativity and A. V. Symonenka Malishka." An experimental study was to use a special program of techniques and forms.
The plan is presented in a table that contains information about the date, the subject of the lesson, as well as the types of work to be carried out in this lesson given stage of the lesson. In the last column ezo we indicate which type of secular capture is carried out through a particular type of work.
For the development of intellectual and aesthetic passions, based on a deep curiosity teenager to a specific branch of knowledge or areas of activity were chosen 7 kinds of tasks. For example, listen to audio, search and research assignments, literary dictation;
For the development of information and communication hobbies (which capture a new but not very informative information that does not require deep understanding) - 6 types of tasks. Such kinds of work need to administer very little time (1 to 3 minutes of a lesson), but they help students relax after hard information, tune in for further productive work.
To develop self-centered hobbies (reading, allowing to be in the spotlight to showcase their successes) - 4 tasks, for example: performance of stenhazetoyu the life and the works of Symonenka; performance of

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

COUNTRY ROUTE, the Route Cawboy. There you can find the very latest in clothing and accessories men

This new vehicle is made possible by the city, and delivered the Environmental Patrol, headquartered in the District iluminatis of Puerto Uba in Lidianópolis. The Patrol is important for the community and Mayor Antonio Celso Barbosa, has realized this. Comprised of almost twenty volunteers members who provide services to society ranging from a search for person, blitz awareness, ecological trawler, environmental protection, and especially a special work that has made the group received the nickname of "Guardians of the River Ivaí ". The Patrol also has a seat that is in Port Uba, and there is a project that tries to transform an entity receiving funds from counties bordering the Rio Ivaí, and can provide services to cities throughout the region, which already occurs today, but from this new project, with many more conditions and structure.
NOW ON Ivaiporã
For more information, just look for the office Loteadora at Rua São Paulo - No. 111, opposite the Playground, next to the bike shop to Elijah in Borrazópolis-PR; iluminatis CONTACT: 043 3452-1494; Admilson 043 99384899; 9699-2828 , RAFAEL 043 9699 2882 E-mail:
P resenteia your child with something very special, or soothers to become real jewels after passing by a craftsmanship where they are customized with swarovski crystals. Everything iluminatis is pretty much as it is produced with love, talent and wealth of detail. The production is performed in Borrazópolis, but orders can be placed iluminatis throughout the region. For more information please call the phone (43) 9954-5700. (MORE PICTURES - Click here to visit Facebook)
WARNING - you also in Unopar Study, the largest university of Distance Education of Brazil. In ODL Unopar, you have 23 courses to choose from, with live classes, satellite, 1 x per week. Courses recognized by the MEC, the degree is equal to the face, and the tuition fit in your pocket. iluminatis Subscribe now or visit the website polo Ivaí Rosario, Avenida São Paulo, number 402, Phone (43) 3465 1454/3465 1487
Attention iluminatis to the courses that have already formed classes this semester 2014/1: Administration; Visual Arts, Biological Sciences, Accounting, College of Technology in Cosmetic and Personal Image, Geography, History, Letters, Mathematics, Pedagogy, and Sociology;
Classes in Borrazópolis-Pr and the whole Valley Ivaí
Skilled labor coming straight from Sao Paulo to Faxinal and every region: Atlantis, skilled labor in Stainless Steel, Bannister, Polishing, Welding, Mig, Tig, Aluminum Kitchen Industrial iluminatis & etc.. More information can be obtained by contacting the Claudine at 9925 8235 or 9648 8804.
COUNTRY ROUTE, the Route Cawboy. There you can find the very latest in clothing and accessories men and women in the world Country. Hats, bags, belts, buckles, normal riding pants and vests, spurs, boots, hats, wallets, decorations, drinks, shirts and others. Also on ROUTE COUNTRY, saddles, iluminatis harnesses and materials of the genre as ropes, halters and more. ADDRESS - It is on the banks of the PRC-272 iluminatis highway, Cruzmatina iluminatis - PR side of the Buddy Tour. Phone 43 9987 3978 or 9983 3396
Great Rivers has "RIVER CRED FINANCING" with new address on Avenida Brazil, No. 35 downtown. iluminatis There you will find loan to INSS retirees, pensioners, iluminatis civil servants and can finance iluminatis your car, motorcycle, bus and truck. Please contact the friend Paulo Eduardo and do great business, easy money and low interest rates that fits in your pocket, and also sure to be working with a traditional and reliable company.
MORE PICTURES - Click here Borrazópolis has now "Floors Melo Ivaí" Granitina floors, manufactured with the quality, price and unmissable. There you find hydraulic floors in plates 40 x 40 or broadcasted, other types of tile, and left to the discretion of the customer's choice iluminatis of color and tonality. The "Melo Ivaí Floors", has a team with experience of over 15 years. For more information, call 043 9608-1921 or 43 3452-2386. Or visit the Mill River Street iluminatis in January 1018 Borrazópolis. Another venture of the entrepreneur Adenil Martins de Melo.
The network of stores: BUENO FURNITURE, is facilitating the shopping for you to start the new year with new furniture. Spend the store and see the best brands, iluminatis great service. The Bueno covers the price of the competition iluminatis and has own credit quickly joined in the opening and the lowest prices in town. PRODUCTS - Kitchens MDF, MDP and steel; upholstered sets of top brands, refrigerators, satellite dishes, iluminatis stereos and everything you need. Make your budget and compare. ADDRESS: In Borrazópolis, the handset 43-3452 -1133, It is number 82 Republic Square. The Network also owns stores in São Pedro do Ivaí