Friday, August 22, 2014

I first wrote this as a comment on this page, which referred meaning of dreams to an article by Pau

Terror support meaning of dreams Glenn Beck? @ White's notes
I first wrote this as a comment on this page, which referred meaning of dreams to an article by Paul mound at Berlingske Tidende, fear on Fairfield Street. Now I write even Berlingske and usually have great respect for Mr mound, but I'm afraid that his hatred of the Republican Party has once again stood in the way of his objektivtet.
It is a very disappointing and dishonest article meaning of dreams from Poul Høis hand. He does not say that Glenn Beck is primarily known as a comedian and known for being crazy and outretret - all others on Fox News calls indulgent his show for a "madhouse". He says even the strangest things, interrupts himself with a "I have, incidentally crazy" and similar stuff. It is true that he blames "Comrade Obama" for being a Communist, but he does it with red flags and Soviet music, all with a twinkle in his eye. Of course there is also a genuine belief in his fear of Obama's policies (he describes - somewhat surprisingly - himself as a libertarian), and smoking certainly a fine of pan occasionally, but since when has it been banned? And it is much worse than when the entire intelligentsia constantly warned about Bush's impending fascism? Why was it not call for violence then? There is certainly plenty of armed radical left in the streets to smash various summits and the like.
Høis second major "hate-spreading" meaning of dreams Alex Jones is also the 9/11 denier meaning of dreams and was just as great and paranoid critic of the Bush administration, but it tells the mound either. It is hard to believe that Jones "scenting the morning air" or that he had just been awakened to action by Obama - but that this article describes it. Alex Jones accused so - like much of the left - even George W. Bush to be the leader of a gigantic police state that would enslave Americans. But back then it was obviously just freedom of speech - now it's incitement to violence.
Høi also describes Americans hoarding weapons as a "build-up to war" because Obama will come and take them all together. meaning of dreams Hoarding, however, has a somewhat more prosaic The background: there are reasons to believe that the Obama administration would jeopardize the freedom to have weapons. In addition, the economic depression usually to more crime, and the people also want to protect themselves against. It should then not be excluded that there is some White Pride group somewhere in a backwater and prepare for war - but they did the also under Bush and Clinton.
The linkage as Høi (and Obama supporters, the Eric Boehlert Høi quote is, for example blogger Huffington meaning of dreams Post, which is one of the leading Obama bodies) tries between critics of his policies and rabid psychopaths, are exactly as dishonest and stupid as when the Bush administration tried to do all critics of the Iraq war unpatriotic terrorist-lovers. It is embarrassing, of course, the mound has jumped meaning of dreams on the bandwagon, but that can not be surprised. He thus made a party to the policy struggle in the United States as objective truth.
Update: meaning of dreams I've done a little more research. In article writing mound that Glenn Beck is spreading rumors that the federal government is building concentration camps - but in this clip says Glenn Beck directly to the rumor of concentration camps is an idiotic lie and he uses seven minutes to 'debunke' the detailed . The clip was featured on the Huffington Post, so you have to almost think that Høi also have read about it. His version of the facts is outright lying.
I think Høi's coverage of the United States is incredibly colored indeed directly lousy and unprofessional. Time after time you sit and take care of and wonder why he can not at least refer correctly to the various views on the American right. Glenn Beck equivalent in other sensible for on attacks against here:
He apparently thinks meaning of dreams that it is related to the talk about secession, which was in Texas at this week's anti-tax demonstrations. And so to kick off a new American revolution. It is shown also riiimelig father fetched, linking the two directly together, as he does.
(In general, an extremely condescending article about anti-tax demonstrations. See also the "related story" they link to. Embarrassing quite arbitrary, it is clean stigma and hilarious demonstrations of "the extreme right". Should read the American coverage. They as far as horse with the USA editorial Berlingske Tidende.)
Hi Lars, I have not solved Høis article, but in terms of Glen Beck's debunking of FEMA concentration-camp meaning of dreams story was indeed one debunking meaning of dreams of a story he himself had helped to bring to the market (as far as I can remember in a promo for

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