During the first months of World War brought Morgunblaðið news of the progress of the war in Europe. In the articles of war, "General Staff" several prominent, but said the captain seemed both work for armies of Germany, Russia and Turkey. One reader, Julius, was astonished at this and sends a request to the newspaper, which was published and answered on November 17, 1914
In the paper one on Sunday is that forbade the [sic] the Turkish General Staff has broken with the military people horoscopes 2013 in Egypt and added that his wife and daughter are with him. But supple half months stood aliased horoscopes 2013 Russian General, Staff, was busy with preparations for invading Russia in Eastern horoscopes 2013 Prussia. And we explain the same sheet of that infamous þýzki General Staff has now come to the divisions, horoscopes 2013 or has its seat in this and this town.
I can therefore allow me to ask you, hon master editor: Is this the Turkish horoscopes 2013 General Staff duties rússsneska the General Staff and the General Staff þýzki perhaps their brother? Or is this General Staff not any General Staff, not been seen in any domestic or foreign paper (not even Times ) mentioned any Turkish, Russian or font General Staff.
Misunderstanding one of said sheet, as mentioned in the query, the "staff" of the fact that the English language newspaper is a bit lacking. "General Staff" means herforingjaráð not General Staff. But it is now so that no difference !! Staff is not Russian, Turkish or font, but he is the legitimate child of a newspaper-editor, he has mentioned in some of them is the paper work. While it is likely that he swear the little Staff.
Lanztíðindi is úrklippusafn beats Sins. Although horoscopes 2013 it bears the name of a journal Peter Pétursson Bishop founded in 1849 is nothing sacred. Most clips are derived from the digital collection Land Library of Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland Timarit.is.
"Beer prohibition has acted"
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