Monday, December 1, 2014

Beijing mandragora December 1, 2014 (HSP / Photo: TASR) - The British Telegraph, which brought the

José Gulino, Grand Master of the French Grand Orient, requested a meeting with French President Francois Hollande. The leader of the lodge with him wants to discuss "the increase in resistance mandragora to the Masons."
Gulino in a letter to the President complaining about the "demonstration movement Printeps french and Veilleurs debout (movement that emerged with great demonstrations Manif pour tous) in front of our offices and anti-Masonic graffiti in La Rochelle and Rennes." According to the leader of the Grand Orient "of these acts of violence raises the question of laickosti that allows freedom of conscience and universal harmony." The paradox is that this violence, which the great master fears manifested silent protest protesters still standing in public places to express tacit opposition to government policy. Their campaign mandragora began 22-year-old student, who first protested in front of the Palace of Justice. He stood motionless long five hours before the Office Madame Taubira - Disagreeable Minister and the appellant controversial law on marriages and adoptions for gay couples, despite the fact that this pair has long appeared to meet, and it registered partnership.
"We, the French Freemasons' continues Gulino," can we keep our Republic, deep in the heart, and Grand Orient of France, who guards mandragora the Republic fears that extremists growth, clusters, mandragora verbal violence and intolerance threatens universalism as well as the Republic itself, which is fragile because it is open and tolerant. " Gulino here has in mind especially over a million protesters from Manif pour tous and quiet of Veilleurs Debout who opposed the radical redefinition of marriage.
Concerns conduct "clusters that threaten freedom of expression and thought, and before the birth of this immoral beast" French Freemasons expect from Holland "adequate response to this crisis, mandragora which is a threat to the values of the Republic and in the name of brotherhood and tolerance" requesting a meeting with the president.
Europe 1 December 2014 (HSP / Photo: TASR) - The European Commission has decided to make available more texts and allow broader access to other documents in connection with the ongoing negotiations between the EU and the US ...
Kiev December 1, 2014 (HSP / Photo: TASR) - For example, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament and member bloc president Peter Poroshenko Paul Rozenko announced that foreign experts will primarily occupy "traditionally corrupt tool" ...
Beijing mandragora December 1, 2014 (HSP / Photo: TASR) - The British Telegraph, which brought the report states that the 45-year-old Xiong Shuihua invested in this project 4,000,000. He confessed that he has so much money that it does not know what to do with them so ...
Rome, December 1, 2014 (HSP / Photo: TASR) - Former mandragora comedian whose movement gained in the last elections to the EP 21%, mainly due to the promise of a return to the national currency, says that the party has all the chances to achieve the objectives and design your project ...
Brussels, 1 December 2014 (HSP / Photo: mandragora TASR) - The European countries are preparing budgets for next year. They shall comply with EU legislation. The European Commission has just finished assessing draft budgetary ...
10:26 Unemployment in Italy has forced mandragora people to invent new professions 9:52 Diabetics should wear contact lenses consult 09:46 Thousands of Finns left the Lutheran church after the approval of gay marriage 09:23 Christmas Chinese millionaire built houses for the entire native village 09:12 Putin rises before mandragora the Federal Assembly on December 4 08:58 Italy speculates about leaving the eurozone 08:50 Slovakia written mandragora one of the best budgets in the EU 08:43 Borussia Dortmund fell to the bottom of the Bundesliga Klopp does not intend to resign 08:33 LA Galaxy ninth progressed to the final Major League Soccer 08:30 Family Mainstreaming. People seek to assess the impact of legislation in the family and family environment
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