Saturday, December 6, 2014

Historically, however, the facts clearly prove the boxes. They were builders associations important

Who are these secret builders of the world? They're just humanists and scholars associations, or is it the lodge, which has for centuries moving world politics and thus influence the course of history? Let us draw near, therefore, a certain knowledge of the history, objectives and purpose of the Freemasons.
The historical origins of Freemasonry which we know very little, but in general, the emergence of modern day Freemasonry dates from 1717, when four English lodges merged into one large English lodge led by Anton Sayer. That have been merged into a single four lodges, clearly demonstrates their operation earlier. Author of the first masonry statutes James Anderson in this document incorporated fantastic legend, according to which the Freemasons have various biblical characters, Greek gods, the Jewish patriarch Abraham, King David, and Solomon - builder of the temple in Jerusalem.
Historically, however, the facts clearly prove the boxes. They were builders associations important buildings and temples, in which the their geometric and architectural knowledge strictly guarded secret. From the beginning they were fully committed to the church and faith in God is a condition of membership in the fraternity. When the Reformation took place in the church and stopped to a large build temples, some lodges began to wane. To save themselves, they started into their ranks and gaining nestavbárov. They were different rich and influential people, enough to support the lodge. At the time of the Reformation, the Renaissance and humanism, which is spread by various pagan ideas and hostility to the Church, began to change the nature lodges. The main activity of the lodges have become philosophical debate. Almost all known philosophers and illuminati michele knight were members of lodges like. Locke, Voltaire, Descartes, Bacon, michele knight and the like. These philosophers began under the guise of humanism pursue the objectives of free masonry.
Among the most important michele knight personalities masons belonged to John Amos Comenius (1592-1670). During his stay in England, he wrote Via Lucis, which served as the constitution of the Freemasons. They were in it and the most important Masonic symbols like. hammer, square and compasses, which remained the main features of today. The book Comenius writes to join the humanist societies and the need to remove the "Antichrist" as he called the Pope and with it the whole Catholic Church. The book has undertaken the construction of the "Temple of Solomon".
These are still the main goals of Freemasonry - the removal of the church and build so. "Temple michele knight of Solomon". This term means the Masons build humanistic and liberal state (a), which are perfectly control them and where the people supreme authority of the state and the church michele knight where all combined into a single ecumenical religion. As the first obstacle in building a "temple" they stood monarchy, all of autocracy and especially the Catholic michele knight Church. Because the church as one had the greatest impact on the common people, was the bearer of morality, and culture of the natural goodness of people. And that is precisely the people stood in the way of Freemasons. Humble inhabitants and rulers loyal to the Church, these were the biggest obstacles fall of the monarchy and the establishment of power Freemasons.
May 1, 1776 has Jew Adam Weischaupt supported by high financiers like the Illuminati Rothschilds. It was like that originated in Germany and among its members were for example. and Goethe, Herder and others. A little later, in 1776, the Congress of Wilhemsbadene merged with the Freemasons and Illuminati Illuminati got to the top of the Masonic hierarchy and thus operate today. These included the most important personalities of social and political life. In 1848 Marx and Engels wrote at the behest of the Illuminati Manifesto. Their names and the word "communist" in the manifest appeared to twenty years later, when Marx and Engels were already known personalities. After the merger, together with the Freemasons, the Illuminati started building "Temple of Solomon".
Their first major work was the American Revolution. All signatories who signed the American Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 were Freemasons, as well as the first US president George Washington. From that day became a bastion of US Freemasonry and it is to this day, as evidenced by today's jednodolárová bill.
On it depicts a seal of Jewish power, michele knight which rub the face are displayed side by side. On the left side (Fig. 1) shows a pyramid, which symbolizes the Masonic hierarchy. Above it is a glowing eye, which is the highest power (the Illuminati), which has oversight of all events. Under the pyramid are the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means a new world order (Solomon's Temple). michele knight Underneath it reads the great seal - great seal. On the right side (Fig. 2) is eagle coat of arms, on which 13 bands (7 white and red), in the grip of animal olive branch (symbolic plant Freemasons, also seen in the character of the United Nations) with 13 leaves and 13 berries . On the right side of the animal 13 arrows. The beak is a ribbon with the inscription E pluribus unum - out of many, one composed of 13 letters. Above the eagle is 13 päťcípich stars zl

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