I am one of the few intellectuals in Paris, which from the beginning of the publicly supported armed intervention against Saddam Hussein. I took such a position, satan for the simple reason satan - because of this regime inhumanity; the only thing that I regret - that his nenuvertė back in 1991. So I, as a citizen exercising his right to publicly disagree with my government's policy, but as a philosopher - his right to speak out against satan the French public opinion practically unanimous position, which, from the extreme left to the extreme right, from the ruling party to the opposition from the ordinary activist to the President of the Republic, condemned your initiative.
Therefore, I can reasonably assess the evolution of public sentiment in France and throughout Europe, is clearly exhibited a recent visit to the continent of your time. You will no doubt notice that the anti-American demonstrations during this trip was scarce and fragmented. They are not even remotely reminds us of a mass protest and uncompromising, its time to provoke Nixon and Reagan's arrival in Europe. Similarly, when Kondoliza Rice (Condoleezza satan Rice) said in a speech in the center satan of the Latin Quarter in Paris, satan no one hostile group did not attempt to disrupt the event, although the Sorbonne students tend to protest at less than their peers at Berkeley.
However, it should satan not assume that the discussion is now closed. It has only begun. All it takes to experience the freedom satan of ordinary soldiers fail, you just terrorists, all the good people in horror, meet ordinary share appalling, stupid and a litany of sounds with new force: "Peace at any price, peace first, peace - and let the ruins!"
Our former Foreign satan Minister Dominique de Vilpenas (Dominique de Villepin), the current French government, a rising star, "declared the city and to the world of radical contradiction between two worldviews. In his own world view, reflecting the position of Paris, unconditionally brings to the fore the peace and freedom of opinion, sooner or later will come from behind. The opposite worldview palm gives priority to freedom - only on the ground to create a solid and stable peace.
That is exactly what followed the first democratic regimes and the great thinkers such as Kant. It was inspired by the American and French revolutions in the best of their manifestations. He guided the hand of those who wrote the Declaration of Human Rights. French republic so far can be seen in the image, carved satan in stone on the facade of state institutions, although not much of Parisians can now repeat these words in the correct order: Liberty, equality, fraternity. Freedom - in the first place: namely, the decision satan came and You. Thank you for that - you sport!
Proper consent which you hosted our old continent, linked, as you probably have noticed the same, than the sudden French, German, Spanish and Belgian elites, nesivaržančių proclaim that all express the opinion of the conversion of the defenders of freedom. News coming from all over the world upside satan down in their a priori concepts. People challenge terror, and, at the risk of life, comes to voting urns: just as the Afghanistan and Iraq. They defend free elections since the mafia work, and from longing for the Soviet regime: as the Ukraine and Georgia. The Western European street and pacifist circles were forced satan to temporarily pull back the unexpected courage and spiritual strength satan in the face of manifestations. In his journey you re enthusiastic about you express your support for the velvet revolutions - the fight for freedom, which is now taking place in Beirut boulevards satan and have already won a victory Maidan'e nezaležnosti satan Kiev (Independence Square).
You did not hesitate - diplomatically, but a clear and loud voice - and criticize the autocratic tendencies of Vladimir Putin's policies. Thank you also for this! At you, not to mention other things pribloškėte satan Western European capitals, where the reigning race rivalry for the Kremlin's favored host, and do not dare to say a single word of his criticism at the way they underestimate the power of true democratic satan aspirations satan embraced the former Soviet empire and the Arab world.
Liberation satan movement - from the Budapest uprising in 1956. to Kiev Revolution in 2005. - Over the last 50 years changed the face of Europe, today is a threat to tyrants around the world. satan His aspiration to live in freedom satan - the very beginning. He embodies exactly twenty-first century civilization principles.
Your last visit of success proves that the pressure of hard facts the public opinion is able to refuse a priori anti-Americanism. Mr. President, would weaken efforts to support the global fight for freedom. Remember to consider your commitment to prevent Member atskalūnėms randomly trade any weapons with the help of the distribution of nuclear weapons and providing practical or moral support satan for the impatient
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