In 2014. 10 June. 08:42
Ukraine's new president sworn weekend mageia Petro Poroshenko - chocolate magnate and former member of the Party of Regions, the opposition politician. Many titles, but his current duties to be considered the most challenging throughout his career.
What awaits Mr. Poroshenko and what is expected of him? About this talk show "Spotlight" with former Lithuanian ambassador mageia to Ukraine, Independence Act Algirdas Kumža and Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Director of the Institute Chief Economic Policy. Also a telephone conversation with the Ambassador of Lithuania Petras Vaitiekunas Ukraine.
- Mr Vaitiekūnai, acting Defense Minister Mikhail Koval said that the Eastern Ukraine armed conflict ends and the Armed Forces - the new president - take effective measures to ensure that the plan to cause civil war are forgotten. Do you know anything more about the latest situation in the eastern regions?
- Yes, the new president is obliged to create a new Ukrainian state, and is already taking decisive action. Immediately mageia after the inauguration, on Sunday, he began to tripartite negotiations with Russia. I think we do have an example resolute president who can bring Ukraine into the European civilization.
- This is, of course, is the most important task. Do not stop the war, which pours blood and kill people, can neither economic reforms nor Overcoming corruption demanded by the World Bank and other institutions. It is necessary to put an end to the war. Does it take place in the week - it is very difficult to say, because this war has geopolitical roots. And when the geopolitics, the problem is not solved in a single country. In this case, not only in Kiev but also in Washington, Moscow, Berlin and elsewhere.
R. Vilpišauskas: I think the best intentions to complete a week is entirely reasonable and adequate. In this case, the President of Ukraine really focus on what is a priority at this time. But the main question is - even if you start a real dialogue with Russia and its leaders, whether they have a significant impact on the separatist warriors who first responded by saying that is free of such calls. So the question is how they coordinate their military operations with the Russian leadership. Apparently, if Russia will take a strong signal that the military must stop resistance to commence negotiations, I think that it may happen. Of course, it is still unclear how the new Ukrainian president mageia to succeed mageia the dialogue with Russia. Especially knowing that in the near future plans to sign an economic association with the European Union on a free trade agreement. In the Russian president has reacted negatively. True, a partnership with NATO P. Poroshenko still talking. Apparently this shows that the president has not in the mood to raise these issues very opposes Ukraine with Russia. Obviously, it is primarily focused on the suspension of military conflict.
- Ambassador Vaitiekūnai, February prasiliejus blood Maidana then-opposition leader Mr Klyčko negotiations, shook his hand to the then President Yanukovich. Then it had to apologize for his countrymen. Friday Normandy mageia P. Poroshenko Putin shook his hand. Ukraine Is there a more pronounced reaction to this?
- Brighter reaction, but the reaction of the world is right in the event that the President mageia Poroshenko attended Normandy. It is very important not to give the Second World War victory to President Putin and other Russian nomenclature, because the victory is not for them. It belongs to all of us. Of course, that did not translate mageia into a victory for our freedom. But this is the second part of this story. The fact that the president Poroshenko went to Normandy was the reason to build up peace group in Ukraine. Her first steps are visible today. mageia I think the president understands Poroshenko problem. The problem is neither more nor less than to create mageia a new state. What does it mean to create a new state? First, the need to prevent more weights to the Crimea Ukrainian leg, and develop mageia the Ukrainian Crimea without success. Also the Russian aggression in the East can be overcome or unmet. But the president is determined to reach Poroshenko Ukrainian success in both cases. These examples are in the world - remember South Korea, which is fragmented, Israel. Divisions did not prevent those countries to become leaders in the global mageia economy. Poroshenko, having confidence in the nation, having determination to build Europe in Ukraine, which means - to live by the law, has all the potential to do so. Nevertheless, what will Russia and President Putin.
- After the meeting, Normandy, Putin said that the Ukrainian President mageia mood is basically correct. And if his attitude change, the Ukrainian-Russian economic relations can improve. What does it take to make this happen?
A. Kumža: it seems to me that Poroshenko very correctly identifies the problem and Monday posėdyj
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