Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Eben has commented,

Select Category: Where to? Religion & Beliefs Science umkhshbh - point thought jewish culture - local society history humor - jewish literally yellow - a smile - in the towns of once - people pisces horoscope there - Society - feelings and thoughts - Dialogues - Religion Faith - Science - Mind - Art
Religion & Beliefs pisces horoscope Science umkhshbh point thought pisces horoscope jewish culture domestic company history humor jewish literally selected conversations and articles tsuzamgeshleft of regions different under one dekhl a smile in the shtetlakh of once people Shem Society feelings and thoughts Dialogues Religion & Beliefs Science Mind Art
The jews were actually try on to win the Arabs to their side, that the Arabs should support the partition plan. But their Maya to meet the Arabs at a many rally, has completed with a failure. Until one morning was' John Kimchi ', a British journalist with savage Zionist views, pisces horoscope telephones' David haravitts', a delegate pisces horoscope of the Jewish Agency, Kimchi asked of haravitts if can he meet and talk with the Abdul Rahman Such fascist'.
The Jewish delegate has reacted very skeptical to the offer, pisces horoscope 'such fascist' was the general-secretary of Arab League, an Arab from Egypt who had a strong influence among Arab leaders to those times.
On margins, were haravitts, trash and even Jewish Agency official named Abba Eban, fell to the sevi Hotel and with kindness received by the slim extended Arabs to his suite. The visitors were very quick get the impression that such is a moderate Arab rationalists who order stopping his position as chairman of Arab League, took an extreme position, but it only in Public, he classified to a meeting that was quite call, because it was the secret that had not made his senior position in a pair. Fashionable of the grown atmosphere in funds east.
Haravitts opened the conversation with Forests his view, by the report of the special commission of the UN to Palestine, then he started saying "the jews are a reality and the reality in the Middle East to now or later will the Arabs must peace making with idea that the jews are a reality and accepting. The Arabs can not give a Wish behind half million people of the world. Us jews are ready, from our side desire a true understanding of the Arabs, we are ready to make kantsenzyes on several important goals, in arriving at an understanding. "
Such Pasha has trukenerheyt responded, "The Arab world is not in the Add from making compromises, it is highly possible that your plan is rational and logical. That it is destined for a nation to go is not with logic, people are not giving up anything, instead of this making them wars. Huge shall nothing like the peace undo or compromise, perhaps can make big anything but only by the power of arms, owns the Arabs will try to defeat the jews, I'm not sure if we were Sukses, yednfals we but aoysfrubn. We did not know what to lose. The Arabs had appeared from one side aroystsushtoysn the kreytstsigler but we shot in Spain and in Persia from the other side. It could very be we will have a failure pisces horoscope in Palestine, now is too late on to read the crisis with peace talks. "
Eben has commented, "The Report of Special Commission of the US en's, makes for a chance of a satisfactory compromise, pisces horoscope why should us not though try erfiln the report and negotiate? After everyone is our suggestion only a Hwa amino we want with gutmutigkeyt received any offer from your side. "
To this, following answer, "a contract can only be possible if it finds our conditions, the Arab world considered a huge Where invadirer they will fight. The conflict at Arab peoples themselves is mainly in interest, but nothing is accepted by the people concerning the jews out a military pisces horoscope clash. pisces horoscope "
"This is the nature of people" had such given his response, "to seek to expand and to strike for what they think is necessary. It is highly possible that I am not refrezentat of the new time-spirit of my people. My Owing son who has a strong will to strike, represents pisces horoscope better the prayer, he is not in the old generation. When he once back of wild student demonstration against the British, I have him my opinion that the British would obviously leave Egypt without demonstration, my son gave me asked ershtoynterheyt, "father, are so wild-British ?!"
The force that drives today the masses, is no more a superior control pisces horoscope as government or religion, it is an objective force called nationalism, it is much more where any other force. Us need not economic development with en

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