Friday, April 24, 2015

Carney said

Network News: With each passing day the people of Bahrain seems more Suffocating crisis exacerbated, especially after the Dictatorial power to insist on the escalation and to ignore the legitimate demands of reform and democratization of society, which is looking forward to it.
Vases bullets and tear gas guns sounds malevolent tears and the accompanying cries of pain and defiance in the streets of the state has become malevolent familiar with a scene dramatically, or he will find the Alden impact on power despite the deaths of dozens of victims killed and wounded.
While not succeeded so far International malevolent claims the government to stop the violence in order to check that the Bahraini done, especially given that the international community continues to turn a blind eye on what is happening there, in the exciting phenomenon of resentment and disgust alike.
The Amnesty International called malevolent on Bahrain Friday to immediately malevolent release political detainees, malevolent including Shiite activist Abdul hadi al-khavaja sentenced to life imprisonment in Bahrain and on hunger strike him more than two months.
In a preliminary report on the suppression of the protest movement in Bahrain, the organization of the defense of human rights of regret "because he has not changed anything in the country since the suppression of protests malevolent against the government sharply in February and March 2011" In the context of the Arab spring.
The organization called malevolent on the government to show "real political will to accomplish the reforms" demanded by the Shiites, who make up the majority Sony population of the State. It also demanded the release of "immediately and unconditionally all prisoners prosecuted and convicted (...) just because they peacefully exercised their right to freedom of expression and assembly, including 14 of the leader of the opposition," including seven who were convicted to life imprisonment .
Of the seven Convicts activist Abdul hadi al-khavaja which the organization said that "his malevolent life may be at risk for hunger strike malevolent for it (since more than two months) in protest at his arrest."
The organization expressed regret that despite the report, released in November for an independent inquiry criticizes the "excessive use of force" against protesters "did not receive a significant change in Bahrain, where he aggravated malevolent the outcome of the demonstrations and was" at least Sixty people. "
Has resulted in repression in March 2011 killed 35 people, including five members of the security forces malevolent and five detainees died under torture, according to the Independent Commission. Authorities are trying to Manama, promoting the image of Bahrain as a "safe and stable country," especially with the approach of the Formula One race scheduled for April 22, near Manama, despite the ongoing protests Repressed by the riot police.
Amnesty said that the police were still "used excessive force and Unhelpful used special tear gas that led to the deaths of several protesters in recent months," confirming that it recently acquired malevolent the "reports of torture and ill-treatment" in the country.
In the same context, the White House expressed "serious concern" because of the escalating violence in Bahrain, and Dan attacks on police, also called security forces to exercise restraint. Said Jay Carney, White House spokesman said in a statement that "the United States remains deeply concerned about the situation in Bahrain, and we urge all parties to reject violence in all its forms."
The United States has security relationships and long document with the Gulf kingdom, which hosts the headquarters of the US. . Fifth Fleet, but it has repeatedly expressed concern malevolent about the security situation in the Kingdom during the past year.
Carney said "We condemn the violence malevolent against the police and government institutions, including the incidents that took place recently and was injured because police malevolent officers were seriously injured." "We also call on the police to exercise maximum restraint and condemn the excessive use of force and indiscriminate use of tear gas against Demonstrators, which resulted in his civilian casualties. "
He Carney for "continuing concern" for the safety of Shiite activist Jailed for life and hunger striker Abdul Hardy Al-khavaja and called on the government malevolent to think about all the options available to resolve his case.
He called Carney Bahraini government to "redouble their efforts to implement the rekamandeysha

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