Monday, October 13, 2014

Of the four temples, the thief not had carried off

"In that case we accidentally uncover involve texts from last night some 'smart people' as the result of the investigation so far has not found a bright spot," said Head of Public Relations Sub-Badung Police AKP I Made Dina in Mangapura Friday.
"In texts from last night the case of disclosure does not mean that the police did not move, but speed up the performance so as not stealing heirlooms it spread to other areas on the island," he said.
Four temple thieves burglarized estimated that more than one person in them Pura Dalem Sangut Beng Hamlet, Hamlet Pura Puseh collateral collateral, Kangin Puseh Pura (Pura Jagat Pusering) Senapahan Hamlet, and Hamlet Senapahan Pura Panti.
The fourth temple close to each other but far from the settlement residents in the village Carangsari, District Evening, Badung regency and expected action is carried texts from last night out on Wednesday (29/5) morning so nobody residents who saw the incident.
Of the four temples, the thief not had carried off "Pratima" kept in storage at the Pura Dalem gedong Sangut. While in three other temples, "Pratima" has been hit by thieves disappeared.
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