Monday, October 6, 2014

nugrybavimas was one of the tracks and the negligible return back to the falls, not without help an

bbzn "start from last position" druskininkų MTB Marathon 2012
start from last position "druskininkų snar MTB Marathon 2012 Posted on: May 20th, 2012 | Author: bbzn | theme: Druskininkai, bike, mtb, sports, contests | Tags: Druskininkai, bike, mtb, sports, race | 16 Comments
stand his pen, pulse half of the devil. starting group enclosed to each other nesipjautų. this Regulation. I like dviratastas unranked, to the very end nugrūstas those who will turn 2 wheels. for me spurda lovers, as a rule, most of the anchors and brakes. Here the norm.
swearing not to spare those who invented time sensor (chip) attachment to a bicycle front fork, where one side or the prigulimas branches SWEEP it can be detached from the bike. wherever snar I went, fixing the front wheel frame or power projection. behold, I was the same, just different - the same chip fell at the start only to begin to move. My suspicion is that ties former cyclist cut in front of the rear wheel disc brakes. 700+ all cyclists have traveled, and I comb through the meadow, and start looking for my sensor. I found difficult because he was already ahead of me stopped. good start, add to, nor take away. easy to scare the fucking race, but so kilometers Sukoró should look for the source - detector kišenėn, feet on the pedals, I escape called "immersion", ie going track.
distance of 35 miles, 2 wheel drive. first lap driving monotonous, snar because nothing snar does not just shout "give me the left bending (all prarėkiau throat), and on the surface again, anchors and rakes (because they are innocent). I do not go one news or a surprise, more of their work forces in check and on track, and the nose picking and ass.
He opened the 1st circle of enlightened trail significantly and remained silent snar for one job. I chose the way opponents had no one to overtake and motivated because overtake one another in the distance I can already see the target back. I work maybe one side of the road, the other side alternately worked (not ran!) with yet another unfortunate who supported a fair pace, and it still Spera we rounded the opponents - who married straight, every hill realities. terribly nesiplečiant the monotony - we rounded number.
nugrybavimas was one of the tracks and the negligible return back to the falls, not without help anchor chain and toss. kuom different MTB race on the road, so here the results objectively reflect the cyclist's physical and technical training. endurance there must also be larger, because the grill highway competition here go out to eat and give strength to the crank as well as more. 2 bottle of 750 ml Strongly recommended. cool event, 10.09 points.
ps but I still do not understand how people come to the event and they do not work. I often inclines or slopes of Sand urged riders to ride, but when you hear "need a minute to enjoy the rest, this is nu and nx, need to rest at home or the radio, rather than competition.
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Congratulations to ride to work hard and not worry about the Offer and the brake anchor ... nu always been those to come, and not pay attention to them and not yourself mood, energy, and effort when gadgets All Good job, you need to seriously engage in the project "Mountain Bike" ...
thank you, waiting for the hard work ahead. and anchors snar in part is fun because you are overtaking, although more expensive snar second running, running. Kalnins and the bike you buy, you do not need another snar drug, it is enough that I'm crazy išsikrausčiau.
I'm reading you Žilvinai for some time, and I still from time to time does not abandon such a strange feeling - are you just out of luck or you just can not live nepaverkšlenęs? where positive and optimistic? specifically for this record. ponulis train a purposeful and that is reflected in the result, I was able to race (pripažįsti what the last paragraph). Marathon Cup first start as I understand it? >>>> snar Starts back over and Irie weaker, as was, is and will be in the near future, and there is what bubbled as flats already start from where you belong. The sensors tied to the fork of the fairer finish or something. I heard something somewhere, but that's all. normally snar attached to a relatively thick plastic belt prigulimas terminated or branch? u mad bro? This is fine if the sensor conductor should trukinėt perhaps monthly. and what will the opponent have done to drive you to the sensor brūžinosi remains a mystery snar to me, too. Realistically, snar that same something you did not

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