Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon which is that we can perceive a face or a human or ani

The pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon which is that we can perceive a face or a human or animal figure in the most unexpected places: how to be placed windows / doors in a building, the back of an alarm clock, birth chart a cloud on toast, a fitting, etc.. There are a legion of followers who photographed and collected all kinds of objects and things that they are represented as a figure or face.

- Friends of the conspiracy theories: those trying to find an answer (most times illogical) supernatural, paranormal or related matters murky political or military events.
The phenomenon of pareidolia is continually being studied by psychologists and experts trying to find out why our brain detects these objects, faces or figures where there is only a shadow, a grease stain or cloud and where in reality there is nothing. It is interesting to see how many people who are not able to distinguish with the naked eye if they are telling you how and where to stimulate is the figure may reach to suggestion and see something that really birth chart is not or can not see.
Notably people who have ensured that the face of Jesus Christ has appeared to them while they were having breakfast toast or say the silhouette of the devil from the smoke during the September 11th attacks birth chart on the World Trade Center. Another case of pareidolia made famous is the "Face on Mars". A photo taken by the Viking spacecraft in 1976 in which the surface of Mars showed that many people distinguished as a face that could have been made by an intelligent civilization.
Nor can we forget those who are dedicated birth chart to finding subliminal messages birth chart through pareidolia in Disney cartoons. According birth chart to them, after multiple drawings birth chart from Disney is a catalog of phallic objects and sexual content. birth chart But religious and friends of the conspiracy theories aside, we have to pay attention to those for pure pleasure and fun take the photos everything reminds a face. We can see funny shapes reminiscent of a face in faucets, buildings, fronts of cars, etc..
Also noteworthy is that more and more designers, architects and / or creative thinking to design their works in a double reading by the brain of many people and after a simple and simple appearance, their objects, clothes birth chart or buildings hide curious faces . On the net there are a few groups or pages on which hang all the material they find. You can see some curious collections pareidolia images representing faces flickr and pbase.

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