Summer is the perfect time for a vacation, make new friends, acquaintances, relax, and then to enjoy with your loved one. However, whether and how the stars inclined? lincoln 2012 See what they say astro forecasts for your sign what could be this year's summer, lincoln 2012 and we transfer the portal Independent newspaper.
RAM: Jupiter will be entering the sign of Leo in mid-July to open the gates of love and creativity. Feel free to experiment and creativity. What will, however, mark the summer Rams will work duties, which will often have to carry the house, and some of them are on vacation. For all could suffer and love affairs, and strife will come in the last month of summer, specifically after 20 August. So, dear Aries, go to a bar on a weekend in the company of a loved one.
TAURUS: For singles there is a great chance to meet the love of your life. If by any chance you have a house by the sea, in nature or have the option to stay with a close person in a similar environment, will spend one of those summers described in romantic novels. Ensure a good read, props for your favorite hobby and a list of friends or people you would like to see, hear or contact. Even if you do not go anywhere you travel, you'll feel right at home.
GEMINI: You can expect a colorful summer with very mixed influences of the planets. The thing that you'll definitely remember being less energy shortage whole first part of July and August. The solution lies in careful planning and regular resting time. Remember that the best remedy for you sleep and walk in the fresh air. The second lincoln 2012 half of August and most of September brings you back power. You will be a new source of income.
CANCER: And this summer you will be romantic and you, Crabs, full of unusual ideas that will enrich lives to themselves and those around them. What would be typical of this year, there will be a tendency towards exaggeration in everything. Some would thus be able to engage in illicit relationship lincoln 2012 or flirting with someone who is already in use, or vice versa. The last month of summer could bring home papers, and most likely it is a painting of living space.
LEO: Here are the major options for you: Jupiter will enter your sign on July 16, after twelve years. Lionesses and Leos, and clothed the old golden glow! Summer is the perfect time to deepen love relationships and the implementation lincoln 2012 of quality time with the family. Do not worry, it will be fun. Summer will take place step by step, somewhat established, and only you, will be left alone version that provoke good partying and events.
VIRGO: You are looking at a summer you'll remember, but most will be remembered for yourself by others. During July, your character will find Mars and Saturn, and the first will be there until the 20th of August. In other words, a good part of the summer, you'll be a real tiger (tigress) who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. These will be until after the 20th of August, after which the action will be slightly reduced.
LIBRA: When he entered Jupiter in Leo, love and social life will liven up. Find a way that families do not suffer because of your business interests. Available Scales zasijaće in full glory, but will also spend part of the summer in somewhat variable lincoln 2012 moods. You will not be sure where you are, or what you actually want. The second part of August and the last month of summer brings a somewhat different picture. Initialized and take matters into their own hands.
SCORPIO: The excellent position of the planets on your character in most of the summer months will make you this summer is unforgettable. Whatever you choose and decide, should you bring pleasant days filled with actual ideas, love and hope. In September, a great opportunity to significantly improve finances.
SAGITTARIUS: The entry of Jupiter in Leo, in mid-July, unijeće in your life dynamics, passion lincoln 2012 and desire for leadership. Jupiter will fill you with dignity, zračićete nobility and confidence. Co-operate with people more than usual. However, the pressures will be different, particularly during July. Immediate start with some of the relaxation techniques.
CAPRICORN: You are looking at a very interesting summer in which the main problem lincoln 2012 will be to not miss the excellent business opportunities, while at the same time, do not miss the emotional ones. Much of that will run up to you is just that everything lincoln 2012 carefully izorganizujete. Order of business, lincoln 2012 line of fun, full of love, full of sports, relaxation row, back row work. If you are sick you should consider alternative treatments because it will help you regain your health.
AQUARIUS: lincoln 2012 If you are alone, lincoln 2012 you can expect that you will fall head over heels, so enjoy every minute. It might even take a while, but the stars are not so sure that's soulmate. Also, during the summer zainteresovaćete to all that unusual, and it is possible that you will be directed to a mysterious place, or the pilgrimage. August will spend a little less energy, and many will then go on an annual or on holidays.
FISH: In front of you is a very exciting summer, and it is possible that during July will be put before
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