Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The appeal of Minkov not jump to hasty conclusions is so poignant that it could not resist to post

Was Jesus a bricklayer-mason? | Pastir.org
Comments Terms Veniamin Peev on once saved forever ... Veniamin Peev on "Wake up, church!" - Message to preachers and laymen, to believers and nepovyarvali ... Bojana Tacheva on "Wake up, church!" - Message to preachers and laymen, to believers and nepovyarvali ... Strahil Ivanov on "Wake up, church!" - message to preachers and laymen, to believers and nepovyarvali ... Vlado Genov on "Wake up, church!" - message to preachers memegenerator and laymen, to believers and nepovyarvali ...
People you seriously you discuss other topics and not pay attention to this? How can ever be placed such a case without calling a serious diagnosis of the speaker? This summary is against all the principles of the Christian faith!
Please what this new teaching ALOOOOO you mock the word of God and with God himself. Sevice pastor of false teaching repent for 7 Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Jesus preached the kingdom of God 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Unfortunately Krasimir Mircev no intention to repent! He was a great talented young man very wise for his age, but came under the influence of the false teachings of the "Word of Faith" and see what the outcome is! Doctrine of prosperity just blind! Example of a person sought, found teachers passions and himself became a teacher of lies! At one time it was registered to OBTS Do you know if it's still there?
Information that Mircev given for the word "tekton" is completely wrong. The claim that "tekton" was never used for someone who is completely wood-lies. For example, in Isaiah 44:13,14 memegenerator says:
The carpenter stretches memegenerator cord idol drawn in chalk, Made it with chisels, outlines memegenerator it with a compass, and it forms the figure of a man, according memegenerator to human beauty, to stay at home chopping down cedars. And taking parnar and oak He was chosen memegenerator among trees of the forest, that it was planted pine, and the rain made it grow.
This text is crystal clear and undeniable that it is a carpenter and he speaks for the processing of wood. At the same time the Septuagint, which was translated 300 years before Christ, used the same word "tekton". This demonstrates quite clearly that the Greek word "tekton" was used for carpenter memegenerator long before the time of Christ, not as hard Mircev that in those years the word was used expressly for working with stone and metal, and the importance of working wood has entered much later under the "influence of European culture."
Apostles who often cite the Septuagint in the New Testament, apparently used it and were well aware of its importance to the person who handles tree. Therefore, memegenerator when you use the same word to describe the craft with which Jesus has a living - there's no reason they had something different in meaning.
I want to raise another point of view. First, I do not know personally pastor memegenerator Krasimir memegenerator Mircev, memegenerator but I have heard his sermons and 1-2 translations Mel Bond and overall I was blessed by his ministry. Second - really in this excerpt from a sermon Pastor Mircev makes less sensational statement with which most of us jump sting, because contrary to our mental perceptions of what was Jesus before his ministry. We have all read and heard the teaching that Jesus was a carpenter. Now we heard a version that may have been a stonemason or builder. I honestly do not see any problem and consequences of Christianity, whether Jesus was a carpenter or mason. Rather, the statement that Jesus was a businessman is something new, at least for me. I do not see what the problem even was a carpenter and still had a small or big business memegenerator (a word that I find it difficult to use in the context of the time in which Jesus lived). Third, most annoyed by the slightly provocative title, which was spread over the video with the sermon, "Was memegenerator Jesus a bricklayer-mason?" Personally, I did not hear anywhere Pastor Mircev to imply such a thing! Rather, the emphasis was that Jesus was a businessman. Yes indeed, he mentioned the word "Mason" in English "mason", but when I looked in the dictionary I use (SA Dictionary) I saw the following translation: memegenerator
The appeal of Minkov not jump to hasty conclusions is so poignant that it could not resist to post a link to the original memegenerator (I guess) to publish it "masterpiece" of quack "theology" of Mircev. Quote: "Jesus was an entrepreneur ... and benefits for helpers 12 businessmen, later called 12 apostles" http://ww

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