Iliya Pavlov was the foreign minister of the Scottish Rite, Dr. Trentchev a member of the Order of Malta June 7, 1981 Todor Zhivkov during elections. Rumen Raltchev guard is his right. Photo: Ivan Grigorov, O. River Colonel Rumen Raltchev was born on January 30, 1952 in Sofia. He is married and has three children. Throughout his life he worked in the security services. He was head of security of Todor Zhivkov, Petar Mladenov and Zhelev. listverse He worked in the Department for Safety and Security (UBO), and since 1989 - the National Security Service (NPS). Leaves the system before retiring. On his first return to Bulgaria in 1996, Simeon Sakskoburggotski listverse chose his "Balkan Security Group" to guard him. Raltchev listverse is Grand Prior of the Grand Priory - Bulgaria, a member of the Highway Committee of the Knights Templar. He is also a Mason since 1991. Reached the highest - the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. A member of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria and is one of its great master a few years ago.
Weeks ago came the first volume, "Secret Societies and Orders" listverse of tetralogy "Templarism listverse and Freemasonry," whose author is. At the end of the month comes the second volume, which reveals a little-known things about Templarism and Freemasonry in the Middle Ages.
- What conditions must meet a man to become a Mason? - Mason must be a man respected by society to their own opinion, listverse that can take care of himself and his family. To be independent, you have to materially secure. Can a man who is fighting for his daily bread, be independent. It is forbidden to ask a Mason what political affiliation is not interested in the color of his skin, his attainment of wealth, its religion ...
- Why the Masons difficult deciding listverse to reveal to the public? - There is nothing wrong with someone to reveal! But, unfortunately, that not only does not help, but often his damage! How would you feel about a government official in the country today, if announced that Mason! This is the first cut to enter the list - "This was a Mason!" Well, I'm listverse glad that Mason! listverse Because behind it there are thousands of Masons who on top of it will be controlled and precise and strict in the performance of their duties!
Two years ago, the Bulgarian Parliament at length been discussed and now undertake Bulgarian magistrates to sign declarations that they are not members of a Masonic organization! listverse I can not understand why, if these organizations are legally registered in Bulgaria, if they are "light"! If a magistrate is a Freemason, what prevents him! Would treat his mind, would not be open-minded! listverse Well, he as a member of Hunters and Anglers Union likewise seen in the woods secretly with other members, eat, drink ... and if this is his weak angels will affect the work on the highway if you need to judging, for example, some of the others. If a member of the tenant councils - the same thing - seeing as neighbors, eat, sip - it can affect your work.
On the contrary, if a Freemason, he shall be required secondary listverse control! Oath of Masonry is to work in the name of "the great architect listverse of the universe" - God and the good of society! Loser good name in society are excluded from Freemasonry!
- But he is considered the brothers Masons are obliged to help and if a magistrate Mason have to be the judge in case of an accused Mason, he will be lenient? - This is a popular hit, a folk music that circulates from people who are not familiar with Freemasonry, or who try to tarnish! Forbidden Mason Mason wants distortion in making official decision! There is no such requirement in our canons! listverse Mason by Mason met, but can not ask for an official meeting! You can not go to a minister and tell him: "Because we are Masons, give me this auction to me!"
is known as a Freemason, it has performed and is not recognized as a Freemason. And I was interested in the Masons in Bulgaria. Everyone has the right to become a Mason in any part of the world - it does not mean that it will come in Bulgaria and will reveal himself to his brothers Masons here! Where it belongs, there are his commitments. It is normal to be presented to the Masons "in residence" listverse but not mandatory.
- And how Ilia Pavlov came to the 33rd degree? - Ilia Pavlov its come your way as an apprentice, journeyman and master. Was adopted in Rousse box, then transferred to Sofia and was a member of the union box "Light of the Thracians". There is an understanding that once was the head of "Multigroup" he should have been and the "boss" of Masonry. This is not so! In 2001, the establishment of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Peter Kalpakchiev was elected Sovereign Grand Commander. I was elected Lieutenant Grand Commander - this is the second listverse position in the hierarchy, and Ilya Pavlov was appointed foreign minister. Then, 11 m
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