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We’ve together some of the best examples of soundboards for Windows 8, giving you a choice of collections of sound FX and quotes from popular culture and soundboards that enable you to load up your own audio clips. Five Entertaining Soundboards For Windows 8
Great at parties or to entertain your friends, soundboards that playback quotes from well-loved TV shows, games and movies are particularly popular, and plentiful on Windows 8. We’ve picked five of the most interesting to give you an idea of what is available. The Simpsons
I can’t think of any reason not to have a soundboard ready to play phrases and sounds from the long-running cartoon series. Split up by different mono mario character, the soundboard has classic Simpsons phrases from Homer, mono mario Bart, Krusty, Nelson, and many others. Star Wars
Unable to cope with life without sight of Yoda, a Death Star exploding or Darth Vader shouting DO NOT WANT!!! ? This comprehensive soundboard mono mario is probably the tool you’re looking for, with sounds and phrases from across mono mario the six Star Wars movies to date.
Looking for audio clips from the great Warner Bros Loony Toons cartoons? This board features phrases and sound effects from Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Yosemite mono mario Sam, Marvin mono mario the Martian, mono mario and more. Duke Nukem
One of the most quotable video games ever, with its larger than life lead character, Duke Nukem, who has appeared in various games over the past 30 years (most famously Duke Nukem 3D in 1998). With over 100 sounds, this is one of the best soundboard apps on any platform. Borderlands mono mario 2 Soundboard
Featuring a ton of sounds from different characters in the popular post-apocalyptic shooter, mono mario this soundboard is apparently designed mono mario for epic situations where you simply CANNOT comment, just use this awesome soundboard for the best response from the characters of Borderlands 2! Sounds – Star Trek
Featuring sounds and quotes from the legendary original series of Star Trek, this soundboard app promises that future updates will expand the selection of available noises. mono mario Sounds are grouped by type, and accompanied by some useful information about the use of the sound or its origins. mono mario Fart 101:101 Fart Sounds
Of course you want a fart soundboard; mono mario who doesn’t? What better waste of time might you have than be compelled by someone else to download and install “101 hot and juicy fart sounds” each with its own character and adjustable pitch and delay?
If you were looking for an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard for Windows 8 , I’m afraid we’ll have to disappoint you. We can not recommend the ones found in the Windows Store at this time, but you might want to check for yourself. Custom Soundboard Apps For Desktop & Touchscreen
Not only will you find a good selection of entertaining mono mario soundboards based on cultural icons for Windows 8, several custom mono mario soundboard apps are also available, enabling you to easily add and play your own sounds.
You might, for example, plan on entertaining friends or family mono mario with a collection of amusing noises. Similarly, you may have involvement with a podcast, radio show or even theatrical group that requires sound FX played on cue.
This is a lightweight soundboard tool that requires no installation. Simply run the EXE file to use, and use the Add button to browse your computer for the files you want to add, along with an optional shortcut key. EXP Soundboard supports profiles, so you can create soundboards for different groups of sounds, something that may be useful for podcasting, especially when coupled with a tool like Voicemeeter . Media Soundboard ( 1.69, free trial available)
Adding mono mario custom sounds to this Windows 8 soundboard app is simple, and with a choice mono mario of layouts and the ability to set separate volume for each clip, it’s easily the best custom soundboard app for touch devices.
Unfortunately, while excellent for touchscreen devices, Media Soundboard sometimes doesn’t play well with other noises. If any system alert or audio from another app happens to play at the same time, playback mono mario of audio from this soundboard will pause. Not ideal, but can do the job if you don’t have any other audio running. Soundboard from Zhorn Software
A final strong alternative is this soundboard, which is both mouse and finger friendly, thanks to the larger buttons. Each button hides a menu for adding a file, and the audio clips can also be looped or removed. Closer inspection mono mario reveals a volume slider on the right, and a progress bar along the bottom.
As good as this desktop custom soundboard app is, however, there is one shortcoming. MP3 files are not supported, so you can only load up WAV audio clips ( WAV is a
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