"Christmas is a time for traditions, and for astronomers is one of the traditions to answer i know that feel bro questions from reporters about what poinsettia, whoever should have led the Wise Men from the East to the infant Jesus, may have been. This year I intend to get ahead of them and affirm that it exists only in the imagination. "
To start astrophysics professor Øysten Elgarøy a fresh - and fresh - posts on fritanke.no, where he goes through both historical and scientific arguments about the existence of the poinsettia.
About Bjorn H. Samset Physicist on his neck. Studying small particles in the atmosphere, as a researcher at CICERO. Studied before even smaller particles at CERN in Switzerland, then employed at the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo.
Samset Let no take Christmas from us. In pursuance of Real subjects are there today St.Thomas Midwinter, and I have built roofs and Carpet Diem all day. It is very significant Dr. Samset. It was dusk and he begins to turn on Halogen, ...... you grieve ... avoid false light and dust in øynene.Man look no further in that light.
But the acting i know that feel bro constellations must not only be witnesses only, you also need to know about them, then they move us, wrote Johannes Keppler. And the fault is that what today call themselves astrology is gone totally i know that feel bro off the shaft. They do not even have the most elementary star and ad- noises during and allow the rule and move .......
I have Harmonices Mundi book 4 on curriculum also Dr. Samset and it is entirely devoted to astrology, and only serious text I've been able to find on the subject, so I will be able to help and advise you here but I'm very busy now julsestria and chick noisy so I have to serve there first. Just give me minute ...
Firstly, I met actually Elgarøy recently. There were panel discussions on literary about the relationship Religion and Science organized by Catholics and Elgarøy represented Astrophysics and the wicked in dignified manner. He said he did not have a soul, but it was not my impression.
So ar one Chartered chairman catholic head and ellers.Og himself Katarina Pajchel full mundur. She said in essence least but she has soul, I have even been able to check up. I tempted her once out on very thin ice and safely back regarding intelligent design and got her to flap their arm and say "Yes, life is important!".
Turn it, to get a nun to flap their arm. But you know it Samset, I can tell tales or wahrhaftige Geschichten as Munchausen called it, adventure and free poetry, parables and science fiction and fabricate legends with points.
An important point was that no sooner had the research refuted vital ism, so you drive initiated i know that feel bro with "bio" - the term that serves exactly the same purpose and misused as much. But life and consciousness is a mystery, it is both I and Katarina and many other pretty certain of. Life and consciousness is incarnert, but is not reducible to the four fundamental forces of nature.
I managed to tempt and deceive Elgarøy also out in the hall before the meeting by saying that I have Keppler and Eddington on curriculum and amateur astronomer. Then he smiled collegiate. But you know what I've gotten out of it?
Music Acoustics, i know that feel bro organologi, artistic musikkinstrumentmakeri of physics reason. Eddington "epistemology" and philosophy of science physicaln gives a quite superior much better and more factual grip on sound waves and this with flowing and oscillating matter of consciousness perspective, from audical musical minds point of wiew. One can allow themselves to relate to sensory qualities hardware realities and, the best and most direct and immediately i know that feel bro connected to real matter on science and engineering view, while the unenlightened and uninitiated keeps it to be "guesswork" and subjectively and only smaksføleri and fanatic spasmodic soulless and unconscious to be reality we will build on for being "Objective".
But with a certain Eddingtonsk and Kepplersk enlightenment and training available and grip on things has dramatically much better physical oscilloscope. i know that feel bro While the competition i know that feel bro futile and will have to go up with old tales and rumors and misconceptions and superstition, derived as krittkruseduller on the blackboard in the classic maskinavrettede solids industriale room on optical superficial blindly believer, scripture faith level ..
There is a difference between being lit car mechanic or orchestra conductor and could say with closed bonnet and the engine running: "It's fan belt ... .. you have a fart in the manifold .... it is Bendixen ... you have a venntiltikk third cylinder ,, .... it is advise bank ... and you do not drawing of the car even or to open the hood. You hear it a long way ...
If it rattles or something is fixed, so one hears also with finger and Fingerspitzengefühl as more senses infrasound in solid matter. Finger-looking
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