Obama's first European trip as president was a triumph. Minds boils yet of excitement about the president's major speeches (and his beautiful and wise woman). But now it must be time for a more cool assessment of what he got out of the trip.
The answer is chilling: Not much. Europeans smiled enthusiastically as he humbly said that he had not come to lecture, but to listen. Some of the smiles froze some places, when it became clear he actually meant it. It made my smile too. For the humble surface seemed to be missing a more austere approach to the eternal debate on transatlantic burden-sharing. He demanded simply not enough. But it may come next time ...
The Europeans should have been more sympathetic to Obama in deeds and not just words. He is at home against daily horoscope a very stubborn and difficult opposition (read Poul Højs eerie reportage in Announcements Thursday), and if the impression is spreading in the United States that all his friendly and smooth words do not lead to results, it can weaken him seriously. From the perspective of many Americans' view, there is one thing that is worse than being unpopular in the rest of the world - and it is to be considered as one does not need to take seriously.
NATO summit daily horoscope did not give Americans what they wanted. NATO partners listened politely to the American offer of a massive strengthening of efforts in Afghanistan. But there was no offer of real commitment from the countries which today cover under the "caveats" that Freder them from the harsh tasks - primarily Germany, Italy, Spain and France. These are all countries that could - and should - do more. Germany has its well-known problems with active combat involvement. But so could Germany have offered an enhanced participation in the training of Afghan police forces, which are far below the target.
Obama's visionary speech in Prague about a world without nuclear weapons were of German daily horoscope Foreign Minister Steinmeier, who is the Social Democrats' chancellor candidate in the upcoming election, failed to a requirement to remove American nuclear weapons from German soil. Pure populism, which can make it difficult to realize the vision. Quite a few in Europe bed apparently noticed that the vision was the same as Ronald Reagen led - in connection with the plans for missile defense. For, of course, a nuclear weapons free world not risk leaving it to anyone to produce nuclear weapons. It is as you know a weapon is invented - and not "nedfindes" ...
The new and conciliatory tones towards Russia (with the unfortunate "restart" -metafor) was also misunderstood in Europe. Instead of a European effort to act jointly, the dependence on Russian gas supplies can be used for blackmail, the problem was watered daily horoscope down - and the reference daily horoscope to a joint NATO action in this area was tucked away in a clause deep in the final document. Again a long nose to the American president.
As I said: I hope that the president will come again - with a harsher tone. But the best would have been if Europeans had acknowledged the new tone of American foreign policy to get support daily horoscope and concessions, daily horoscope rather than just hiding away from the problems.
It seems that the old political ronkedorer and journalistic lightweights have invested too much in a random American president's skin color and his election campaign, which was a direct copy of Vicente Fox's daily horoscope ... slogans and all!
"The American President's call" to free the world of the menace of a nuclear nightmare "was hot air, Mr Sarkozy's Diplomatic staff duty him in a report. "It was rhetoric - not a speech on American security policy but an export daily horoscope model med sigte to Improving the image of the United States," they said. Most of Mr Obama's förslag hatred allerede er made by the Bush administration and Washington was dragging its feet on disarmament and treaties against nuclear proliferation, the leaked report said. "
Uffe put into words the feelings I even left with: Where there was much hypocrisy in Europeans reception of Obama. Berluscones stupid grin. Sarkozy fussing around. and so on. They abused the open and outstretched hand by sending him home with an empty bag. It's going to sting for us in Europe, if it makes it more difficult for Obama to push through daily horoscope his policy at home. So he risks ending up as Carter, full of good intentions, but little fool, because he can not deliver.
What did you expect Uffe? Europeans have of course to the extent been reluctant to engage in armed conflict, as a result of German history and because the French side De Gaulle have been jealous of the Americans' daily horoscope power.
I think, daily horoscope however, that France's reintegration into NATO is a sign that the French are putting this jealousy daily horoscope behind him. The Europeans will eventually, in my opinion get to contribute significantly more to maintain a stable woe
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