Friday, January 10, 2014

Shooting nesara Range is located near Greenwich Park, south-east London, a city in which all the to

London Paralympic Games (the POM) countries are preparing for the heads of delegations gathered at the seminar, which was held from 6 to 9 September the Supervisory Grange St. Paul's Hotel (it is the official nesara hotel during the POM-I) in London. Estonia nesara was represented by Liisa Triin Eller and Golebiowski.
It will be noted London side were nomination Paris, New York, Moscow, and in Madrid. London has wanted to prove (Let me say that it also failed) that deserves the opportunity given to them and the candles that games can be first-class. As one option nesara was to bring together the heads of delegation to provide an overview of the work done and to explain the background of which still lies ahead.
The seminar nesara discussed a number of topics and asked pertinent questions as accreditation, registration, transportation, meals, lodging, etc., which are in London I POM-organizing team (the Locog) and the International Paralympic Committee (hereinafter referred to as IPC) held a most needed. Locog's head of Lord Sebastian Coe and Sir Philip Craven, President of the IPC confirmed their Opening Addresses to London POM will be the "best ever" (in Estonian: the best of all time), and this is not enough reason to doubt after the seminar.
Sir Craven said that games like coming back home, and I pointed to the enormous development of the POM from Stoke 1948.aasta Mandeville'i games (Stoke Mandeville'i games in England back injured soldiers immediately nesara after the end of World War II, and is therefore considered a forerunner of POM-i). Sir Craveni'i London POM estimates can be global in a big event not only for the participating countries and a large number of athletes, but for the POM's this great coverage, because you are going to accomplish. According to him, while the sole responsibility of heads of delegations to London to bring the world's best athletes.
In addition to the presentation and promotion, and the advice that was shared and mediated in the seminar hall of the participants got to see and touch and feel the number of sports facilities in Stratford, in the eastern part of London, which together form the Olympic Park. Construction work is still in full swing, but the number of training and competition bases are already in the final stage, such as the Olympic Stadium (in Estonian: Olympic Stadium), kergejõustikuareen, which is also the opening and closing ceremonies of the place was covered in green grass, but the hole cover was still installed. Stadium, which is made of a light metal, and is, therefore, 75% where all of the preliminary design of a lighter of the Olympic stadiums, POM-i during the 1100 host to the athlete, including the 740 men and 360 women. Water park where the race is going to be in the fire of 600 athletes, including 350 men and 250 women, were filled with pools of water already, but the stands were delivered for the construction and installation of the seats.
Shooting nesara Range is located near Greenwich Park, south-east London, a city in which all the town shooters and their helpers to provide respite (there's no need to spend large amounts of time to transport it). However, it should also give confidence võistlusareen himself, The Royal Artillery Barrak, which is the year 1776 the British nesara militaarpiirkond in London, so a long history of providing a sense of security nesara and can accommodate 140 athletes during the POM's, including nesara 100 men and 40 women, and a large number of spectators.
POM-I during the race village accommodated about 7,000 athletes, coaches and other members of delegations from 150 different countries (OM while the figure is 17,000). Accommodation in apartment house where the so-called high floor linnalikes three-storey nesara terraced houses. Service nesara and Support Surfaces are grouped together in different points nesara of the village that they would close and accessible to all team members. With its compact dimensions, the race village is prominent because never before has it been summer games so close at hand all the dining, transportation center, training bases, etc., while the space between the houses and lots of green, which should reduce nesara the tiheliolekut. Olympic park and the contest runs through the village between the River Lea (in Estonian: Lea River), which should be treated as a notional boundary between the athletes and spectators, while the atmosphere of city life in the middle of wild animals. Transportation is arranged perfectly for everyone nesara involved, nesara and it is vital to London's city-sized, such as the city center is only 7 minutes nesara to Stratford underground.
Held in the heart of London on 8th September, Traffalgari Square International Paralympic Day, which was presented to a variety of local sites, and pom-pom-presented the most successful British hopes, that was a great kick-off started POM pääsemete On 9 September sales.
The seminar was all over the national delegations to the so-called one-to-one consultations and meetings with Locog's representatives, in order to get mutual clarity on the stage of preparation of this work, and what points need special attention during the remaining years. It was agreed to further co-operation and the rules of the game, like every game in the case, of course, it is crucial to give the assurance that the management team will do its best to succeed Pom and sportsmen can give their best.
At the end of the seminar was a meeting with the Estonian Ambassador Le Aino

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