Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ability to manage open windows has been improved: now added the ability to close windows visually a

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In light of the writings of consensus technology around the globe (including me) that Windows Vista is an operating system mediocre at best and provides a significant advantage predecessor XP, we went with some apprehension but also hopeful for a test drive of the open beta version of Windows 7 clients, a Microsoft's next operating system, announced in late last week at CES.
We test the Windows 7 from the perspective of the average user, the experience includes installation to daily use - that's what everybody paranormal activity 1 really interesting. But the fundamental matters as stability, device support and backward compatibility we went deeper into guts - including a number of bizarre experimentation and testing is not routine.
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No less than five gigabytes of available requires new girl in the neighborhood if you are upgrading - so even more. Similarly, while the installation of a clean for about 20 minutes, but the upgrade can also be extended to an hour. Incidentally, the upgrade needs to run the installation CD from the existing operating paranormal activity 1 system. paranormal activity 1
Unusual about the test computer (my old home computer) were relatively old analog modem from Intel and scanner. Scanner, incidentally, was composed when the computer is turned on ("hot plug"), took down a small control panel screen installation and identification of new hardware - but Windows 7 recovered rapidly and nobility: almost instantly appeared on screen that explains in simple language the scanner wayward is this brought about the tiny - collapse, including accurate paranormal activity 1 identification of the model and equally precise reference to manufacturer website to download the driver.
The interface of the new operating system, based on the Aero glass looking interface introduced in Vista but polished and tamped. The main change is in the taskbar: it now looks very much like the dock seller of Apple's operating system. The bar and the Quick Launch bar open applications were consolidated. All software that you added it to the bar and you press its icon will open a window of active software.
Ability to manage open windows has been improved: now added the ability to close windows visually and cutest feature: dragging the window paranormal activity 1 top of the screen stretch it to full screen - drag windows on the sidelines, stretch them to a size that allows working paranormal activity 1 with two windows - one on the other.
More added to the interface "jump paranormal activity 1 lists" in Start menu "- tasks and various libraries to which we approach frequently appear in the menu. And more on the interface: Many of the programs recognized were "facelift": paint, media player and even solitaire. Word processing software WordPad just upgraded and now she just Word 2007 miniature and most importantly, able to open the docx format has become among those who remained paranormal activity 1 with Ofiice 2003 on the type of nuisance.
Windows 7 introduces fully the concept of libraries (Libraries, please do not confuse with the concept of libraries was common in the days of DOS) - a kind of "folders", which hold all the files of a certain type, regardless of the folder (Folder) in which they sit. Nice idea, useful and comfortable - once you get used to it.
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